§ 92.23 FIRE LIMITS.
   The following described territory in the municipality shall be and constitute the fire limits: beginning at a point of the intersection of Highway 30 and A Street; thence north one block to Third Street; thence west one block to B Street; thence north one half block to the alley in Block 53 of the original townsite of the city; thence west one block to C Street; thence north one block to the alley in Block 47 of the original townsite of the city; thence west one block to D Street; thence north one and one-half blocks to Sixth Street; thence west two blocks to F Street; thence north one block to Seventh Street; thence east one block to E Street; thence north two blocks to Ninth Street; thence west five blocks to K Street; thence north one block to Tenth Street; thence west on the extended line of Tenth Street to O Street; thence south along the line of the corporate limits of the municipality to the south boundary of the main right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly following the line of the corporate limits of the municipality and the south boundary of the main right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad to the western boundary of the corporate limits of the municipality; thence south following the line of the corporate limits of the municipality to the southern boundary of the corporate limits of the municipality; thence east following the line of the corporate limits of the municipality to G Street; thence north to the south boundary of the main right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly following the south boundary of the main right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad to an extension of the line of A Street; thence north to the place of beginning.
(1976 Code, § 7-205)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-550