General Provisions
72.01 Parking Bureau of Violations
72.02 Parking citations
72.03 Summons; destruction prohibited
72.04 Impoundment and removal
72.05 Owner responsible for violations
Regulations and Conditions
72.20 Unattended vehicles
72.21 Parking generally
72.22 Designated parking
72.23 Alleys; obstruction
72.24 Unlawful obstructions
72.25 Truck parking; non-motorized vehicle parking; equipment parking
72.26 Fire hydrants and stations
72.27 Street intersections
72.28 Curbs; curbside parking
72.29 Parking for display or repair
72.30 Time limit parking
72.31 Snow removal and maintenance
Parking for the Handicapped or Disabled
72.45 On-street parking spaces; display of permits
72.46 Off-street parking spaces
72.47 Definitions
72.48 Permit issuance
72.49 Permit contents; duplicates
72.50 Permit renewal; period valid
72.51 Permits non-transferable; violation or suspension
72.52 Removal of unauthorized vehicles
72.53 Citations; issuance; complaint and trial
(A) There is hereby created the Bureau of Violations within the powers and duties of the office of the Municipal Clerk.
(B) (1) A copy of each citation issued for non-moving traffic violations shall be deposited with the Municipal Clerk, whose duty it shall be to collect all fines and to maintain appropriate and accurate records of all such fines paid to him or her.
(2) Fines shall be payable at the office of the Clerk.
(3) Such fines shall be in the amount of $10 for each violation if paid within 15 days from the date of issuance.
(4) The fine for any such violation after 15 days from date of issuance shall be $20. Should any such fine not be paid within 30 days from the date of issuance of the citation, the Clerk shall forward said citation to the prosecuting attorney together with a request that a complaint be filed in the appropriate court.
(C) All money collected by the Municipal Clerk under this section shall be transferred to the school district in which the municipality lies.
(1976 Code, § 5-618) (Ord. 679, passed 1-21-1982; Ord. 1033, passed 5-7-1991)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 18-1729
All citations issued for violations of non-moving traffic regulations contained in this subchapter shall, in addition to information normally stated on such citations, carry the following information:
(A) The amount of the fine if paid within 15 days;
(B) The amount of the fine if not paid within 15 days;
(C) The location where payment may be made; and
(D) The fact that a complaint will be filed after 30 days if the fine is not paid in that time.
(1976 Code, § 5-619) (Ord. 1033, passed 5-7-1991)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 29-423
It shall be unlawful for any person to tear up, or destroy, a parking tag placed upon any vehicle by the municipal police, or to disregard the summons contained on such tag, and fail to appear in court as directed by said tag.
(1976 Code, § 5-620) Penalty, see § 70.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 39-697