   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BIENNIAL BUDGET. A budget by the city that provides for a biennial period to determine and carry on the city’s financial and taxing affairs.
   BIENNIAL PERIOD. The two fiscal years comprising a biennium commencing in odd-numbered or even-numbered years used by the city in determining and carrying on its financial and taxing affairs.
   FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the municipality and any public utility of the municipality commences on October 1 and extends through the following September 30, except as provided in the Municipal Proprietary Function Act, being Neb. RS 18-2801 through 18-2808.
   PUBLIC FUNDS. All money, including non-tax money, used in the operation and functions of governing bodies. If the city has a lottery established under the state’s County and City Lottery Act, being Neb. RS 9-601 to 9-653, only those net proceeds which are actually received by the city from a licensed lottery operator shall be considered PUBLIC FUNDS and PUBLIC FUNDS shall not include amounts awarded as prizes.
(1976 Code, § 1-801) (Ord. 1187, passed 1-22-1996; Ord. 1438, passed 12-23-2013)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 13-503, 17-701
   (A)   The City Council shall annually or biennially prepare a proposed budget statement on forms prescribed and furnished by the Auditor of Public Accounts. The proposed budget statement shall be made available to the public prior to publication of the notice of the hearing on the proposed budget statement pursuant to § 35.29. A proposed budget statement shall contain the following information, except as provided by state law:
      (1)   For the immediately preceding fiscal year or biennial period, the revenue from all sources, including motor vehicle taxes, other than revenue received from personal and real property taxation, allocated to the funds and separately stated as to each such source: the unencumbered cash balance at the beginning and end of the year or biennial period; the amount received by taxation of personal and real property; and the amount of actual expenditures;
      (2)   For the current fiscal year or biennial period, actual and estimated revenue from all sources, including motor vehicle taxes, allocated to the funds and separately stated as to each such source: the actual unencumbered cash balance available at the beginning of the year or biennial period; the amount received from personal and real property taxation; and the amount of actual and estimated expenditures, whichever is applicable. This statement shall contain the cash reserve for each fiscal year or biennial period and shall note whether or not the reserve is encumbered. The cash reserve projections shall be based upon the actual experience of prior years or biennial periods. The cash reserve shall not exceed 50% of the total budget adopted exclusive of capital outlay items;
      (3)   For the immediately ensuing fiscal year or biennial period, an estimate of revenue from all sources, including motor vehicle taxes, other than revenue to be received from taxation of personal and real property, separately stated as to each such source: the actual or estimated unencumbered cash balances, whichever is applicable, to be available at the beginning of the year or biennial period; the amounts proposed to be expended during the year or biennial period; and the amount of cash reserve, based on actual experience of prior years or biennial period, which cash reserve shall not exceed 50% of the total budget adopted exclusive of capital outlay items;
      (4)   A statement setting out separately the amount sought to be raised from the levy of a tax on the taxable value of real property:
         (a)   For the purpose of paying the principal or interest on bonds issued or authorized to be issued by the City Council or the legal voters of the political subdivision; and
         (b)   For all other purposes.
      (5)   A uniform summary of the proposed budget statement, including each proprietary function fund included in a separate proprietary budget statement prepared pursuant to the Municipal Proprietary Function Act, and a grand total of all funds maintained by the City Council; and
      (6)   A list of the proprietary functions which are not included in the budget statement. These proprietary functions shall have a separate budget statement which is approved by the City Council as provided in the Municipal Proprietary Function Act.
   (B)   The actual or estimated unencumbered cash balance required to be included in the budget statement by this section shall include deposits and investments of the city as well as any funds held by the County Treasurer for the city and shall be accurately stated on the proposed budget statement.
   (C)   The city shall correct any material errors in the budget statement detected by the Auditor of Public Accounts or by other sources.
   (D)   The estimated expenditures plus the required cash reserve for the ensuing fiscal year or biennial period less all estimated and actual unencumbered balances at the beginning of the year or biennial period and less the estimated income from all sources, including motor vehicle taxes, other than taxation of personal and real property shall equal the amount to be received from taxes, and that amount shall be shown on the proposed budget statement pursuant to this section. The amount to be raised from taxation of personal and real property, as determined above, plus the estimated revenue from other sources, including motor vehicle taxes, and the unencumbered balances shall equal the estimated expenditures, plus the necessary required cash reserve, for the ensuing year or biennial period.
(1976 Code, § 1-802) (Ord. 754, passed 9-6-1984; Ord. 1122, passed 2-6-1995; Ord. 1439, passed 12-23-2013; Ord. 1533, passed 1-9-2023)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 13-504, 13-505
   (A)   The City Council shall each year or biennial period conduct a public hearing on its proposed budget statement. Such hearing shall be held separately from any regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body and shall not be limited by time. Notice of the place and time of the hearing, together with a summary of the proposed budget statement, shall be published at least four calendar days prior to the date set for hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the village's jurisdiction. For purposes of such notice, the four calendar days shall include the day of publication but not the day of hearing. When the total operating budget, not including reserves, does not exceed $10,000 per year or $20,000 per biennial period, the proposed budget summary may be posted at the City Council's principal headquarters. At such hearing, the governing body shall make at least three copies of the proposed budget statement available to the public and shall make a presentation outlining key provisions of the proposed budget statement, including, but not limited to, a comparison with the prior year's budget. Any member of the public desiring to speak on the proposed budget statement shall be allowed to address the governing body at the hearing and shall be given a reasonable amount of time to do so.
   (B)   After the hearing, the proposed budget statement shall be adopted, or amended and adopted as amended, and a written record shall be kept of the hearing. The amount to be received from personal and real property taxation shall be certified to the levying board after the proposed budget statement is adopted or is amended and adopted as amended. The certification of the amount to be received from personal and real property taxation shall specify separately the amount to be applied to the payment of principal or interest on bonds issued or authorized to be issued by the City Council or the legal voters of the political subdivision and the amount to be received for all other purposes.
   (C)   If the adopted budget statement reflects a change from that shown in the published proposed budget statement, a summary of the changes shall be published within 20 calendar days after its adoption in the manner provided in this section, but without provision for hearing, setting forth the items changed and the reasons for the changes.
   (D)   Upon approval by City Council, the budget shall be filed with the Auditor of Public Accounts. The Auditor may review the budget for errors in mathematics, improper accounting, and noncompliance with the Nebraska Budget Act or Neb. RS 13-518 to 13-522. If the Auditor detects such errors, he or she shall immediately notify the Council of such errors. The Council shall correct any such error as provided in § 35.34. Warrants for the payment of expenditures provided in the budget adopted under this section shall be valid notwithstanding any errors or noncompliance for which the Auditor has notified the Council.
   (E)   When a levy increase has been authorized by vote of the electors, the adopted budget statement shall indicate the amount of the levy increase.
(1976 Code, § 1-803) (Ord. 1440, passed 12-23-2013; Ord. 1479, passed 2-5-2018; Ord. 1501, passed 6-7-2021; Ord. 1534, passed 1-9-2023)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 13-506, 13-507
   (A)   Property tax levies for the support of the city for fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1998, shall be limited to the amounts set forth in this division (A), except as provided in division (C). The city may levy a maximum levy of $0.45 per $100 of taxable valuation of property subject to the levy plus an additional $0.05 per $100 of taxable valuation to provide financing for the city's share of revenue required under an agreement or agreements executed pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Joint Public Agency Act. The maximum levy shall include amounts levied to pay for sums to support a library pursuant to Neb. RS 51-201, museum pursuant to Neb. RS 51-501, visiting community nurse, home health nurse, or home health agency pursuant to Neb. RS 71-1637, or statue, memorial, or monument pursuant to Neb. RS 80-202. Property tax levies for judgments, except judgments or orders from the Commission of Industrial Relations, obtained against the city which require or obligate the city to pay that judgment, to the extent the judgment is not paid by liability insurance coverage of the city, for preexisting lease-purchase contracts approved prior to July 1, 1998, for bonded indebtedness approved according to law and secured by a levy on property, and for payments by a public airport to retire interest-free loans from the Division of Aeronautics in lieu of bonded indebtedness at a lower cost to the public airport are not included in the levy limits established by this division (A). The limitations on tax levies provided in this division (A) are to include all other general or special levies provided by law. Notwithstanding other provisions of law, the only exceptions to the limits in this division (A) are those provided by or authorized by this section. Tax levies in excess of the limitations in this section shall be considered unauthorized levies under Neb. RS 77-1606 unless approved under division (C).
   (B)   (1)   All city airport authorities established under the Cities Airport Authorities Act, community redevelopment authorities established under the Community Development Law, and off-street parking districts established under the Offstreet Parking District Act may be allocated property taxes as authorized by law which are authorized by the city and are counted in the municipal levy limit provided by division (A), except that such limitation shall not apply to property tax levies for preexisting lease-purchase contracts approved prior to July 1, 1998, for bonded indebtedness approved according to law and secured by a levy on property, and for payments by a public airport to retire interest-free loans from the Division of Aeronautics in lieu of bonded indebtedness at a lower cost to the public airport. For off-street parking districts established under the Offstreet Parking District Act, the tax shall be counted in the allocation by the city proportionately, by dividing the total taxable valuation of the taxable property within the district by the total taxable valuation of the taxable property within the city multiplied by the levy of the district. The City Council shall review and approve or disapprove the levy request of the political subdivisions subject to this division (B). The City Council may approve all or a portion of the levy request and may approve a levy request that would allow a levy greater than that permitted by law. The levy allocated by the city may be exceeded as provided in division (C).
      (2)   On or before August 1, all political subdivisions subject to city levy authority under this division (B) shall submit a preliminary request for levy allocation to the City Council. The preliminary request of the political subdivision shall be in the form of a resolution adopted by a majority vote of members present of the political subdivision's governing body. The failure of a political subdivision to make a preliminary request shall preclude that political subdivision from using procedures set forth in Neb. RS 77-3444 to exceed the final levy allocation as determined in this division (B).
      (3)   (a)   The City Council shall:
            1.   Adopt a resolution by a majority vote of members present which determines a final allocation of levy authority to its political subdivisions; and
            2.   Forward a copy of that resolution to the chairperson of the governing body of each of its political subdivisions.
         (b)   No final levy allocation shall be changed after September 1 except by agreement between both the City Council and the governing body of the political subdivision whose final levy allocation is at issue.
   (C)   (1)   The city may exceed the limits provided in division (A) by an amount not to exceed a maximum levy approved by a majority of registered voters voting on the issue in a primary, general, or special election at which the issue is placed before the registered voters. A vote to exceed the limits must be approved prior to October 10 of the fiscal year which is to be the first to exceed the limits.
      (2)   The City Council may call for the submission of the issue to the voters:
         (a)   By passing a resolution calling for exceeding the limits by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the City Council and delivering a copy of the resolution to the County Clerk or Election Commissioner of every county which contains all or part of the city; or
         (b)   Upon receipt of a petition by the County Clerk or Election Commissioner of every county containing all or part of the city requesting an election signed by at least 5% of the registered voters residing in the city.
      (3)   The resolution or petition shall include the amount of levy which would be imposed in excess of the limits provided in division (A) and the duration of the excess levy authority. The excess levy authority shall not have a duration greater than five years. Any resolution or petition calling for a special election shall be filed with the County Clerk or Election Commissioner on or before the fifth Friday prior to the election, and the time of publication and providing a copy of the notice of election required in Neb. RS 32-802 shall be no later than 20 days prior to the election.
      (4)   The County Clerk or Election Commissioner shall place the issue on the ballot at an election as called for in the resolution or petition which is at least 31 days after receipt of the resolution or petition. The election shall be held pursuant to the Election Act. For petitions filed with the County Clerk or Election Commissioner on or after May 1, 1998, the petition shall be in the form as provided in Neb. RS 32-628 through 32-631.
      (5)   Any excess levy authority approved under this division (C) shall terminate pursuant to its terms, on a vote of the City Council to terminate the authority to levy more than the limits, at the end of the fourth fiscal year following the first year in which the levy exceeded the limit, or as provided in division (C)(8), whichever is earliest.
      (6)   The City Council may pass no more than one resolution calling for an election pursuant to this division (C) during any one calendar year. Only one election may be held in any one calendar year pursuant to a petition initiated under this division (C). The ballot question may include any terms and conditions set forth in the resolution or petition and shall include the language specified in Neb. RS 77-3444.
      (7)   If a majority of the votes cast upon the ballot question are in favor of the tax, the County Board shall authorize a tax in excess of the limits in division (A), but the tax shall not exceed the amount stated in the ballot question. If a majority of those voting on the ballot question are opposed to the tax, the City Council shall not impose the tax.
      (8)   (a)   The city may rescind or modify a previously approved excess levy authority prior to its expiration by a majority of registered voters voting on the issue in a primary, general, or special election at which the issue is placed before the registered voters. A vote to rescind or modify must be approved prior to October 10 of the fiscal year for which it is to be effective.
         (b)   The City Council may call for the submission of the issue to the voters:
            1.   By passing a resolution calling for the rescission or modification by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the City Council and delivering a copy of the resolution to the County Clerk or Election Commissioner of every county which contains all or part of the city; or
            2.   Upon receipt of a petition by the County Clerk or Election Commissioner of every county containing all or part of the city requesting an election signed by at least 5% of the registered voters residing in the city.
         (c)   The resolution or petition shall include the amount and the duration of the previously approved excess levy authority and a statement that either the excess levy authority will be rescinded or the excess levy authority will be modified. If the excess levy authority will be modified, the amount and duration of the modification shall be stated. The modification shall not have a duration greater than five years. The County Clerk or Election Commissioner shall place the issue on the ballot at an election as called for in the resolution or petition which is at least 31 days after receipt of the resolution or petition, and the time of publication and providing a copy of the notice of election required in Neb. RS 32-802 shall be no later than 20 days prior to the election. The election shall be held pursuant to the Election Act.
(Ord. 1479, passed 2-5-2018; Ord. 1535, passed 1-9-2023)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 77-3442, RS 77-3443, 77-3444
   (A)   (1)   After publication and hearing on the proposed budget statement and within the time prescribed by law, the City Council shall file with and certify to the levying board or boards on or before September 30 of each year or September 30 of the final year of a biennial period and file with the Auditor of Public Accounts a copy of the adopted budget statement which complies with Neb. RS 13-518 to 13-522, together with the amount of the tax required to fund the adopted budget, setting out separately:
         (a)   The amount to be levied for the payment of principal or interest on bonds issued or authorized to be issued by the City Council or the legal voters of the political subdivision; and
         (b)   The amount to be levied for all other purposes.
      (2)   Proof of publication shall be attached to the statements.
   (B)   If the prime rate published by the Federal Reserve Board is 10% or more at the time of the filing and certification required under this section, the City Council, in certifying the amount required, may make allowance for delinquent taxes not exceeding 5% of the amount required plus the actual percentage of delinquent taxes for the preceding tax year or biennial period and for the amount of estimated tax loss from any pending or anticipated litigation which involves taxation and in which tax collections have been or can be withheld or escrowed by court order. For purposes of this section, anticipated litigation shall be limited to the anticipation of an action being filed by a taxpayer who or which filed a similar action for the preceding year or biennial period which is still pending. Except for such allowances, the City Council shall not certify an amount of tax more than 1% greater or lesser than the amount determined under § 35.28.
   (C)   The City Council shall use the certified taxable values as provided by the County Assessor pursuant to Neb. RS 13-509 for the current year in setting or certifying the levy. The City Council may designate one of its members to perform any duty or responsibility required of the Council by this section.
(1976 Code, § 1-804.01) (Ord. 1150, passed 2-6-1995; Ord. 1442, passed 12-23-2013; Ord. 1517, passed 5-2-2022; Ord. 1536, passed 1-9-2023)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 13-508, 13-509.02
   (A)   (1)   Unless otherwise provided by law, the City Council may propose to revise the previously adopted budget statement and shall conduct a public hearing on that proposal whenever during the current fiscal year it becomes apparent to the City Council that:
         (a)   There are circumstances which could not reasonably have been anticipated at the time the budget for the current year was adopted;
         (b)   The budget adopted violated Neb. RS 13-518 through 13-522, such that the revenue of the current fiscal year for any fund thereof will be insufficient, additional expenses will be necessarily incurred or there is a need to reduce the budget requirements to comply with Neb. RS 13-518 through 13-522; or
         (c)   The City Council has been notified by the Auditor of Public Accounts of a mathematical or accounting error or non-compliance with the state’s Budget Act, being Neb. RS 13-501 through 13-513.
      (2)   The public hearing requirement shall not apply to emergency expenditures pursuant to Neb. RS 81-829.51.
   (B)   Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be published at least four calendar days prior to the date set for hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the Council’s jurisdiction. For purposes of such notice, the four calendar days shall include the day of publication but not the day of hearing. This published notice shall set forth:
      (1)   The time and place of the hearing;
      (2)   The amount in dollars of additional or reduced money required and for what purpose;
      (3)   A statement setting forth the nature of the unanticipated circumstances and, if the budget requirements are to be increased, the reasons why the previously adopted budget of expenditures cannot be reduced during the remainder of the current year to meet the need for additional money in that manner;
      (4)   A copy of the summary of the originally adopted budget previously published; and
      (5)   A copy of the summary of the proposed revised budget.
   (C)   At the hearing any taxpayer may appear or file a written statement protesting any application for additional money. A written record shall be kept of all such hearings.
   (D)   Upon conclusion of the public hearing on the proposed revised budget and approval of the proposed revised budget by the City Council, the City Council shall file with the County Clerk of the county or counties in which the City Council is located, and with the Auditor of Public Accounts, a copy of the revised budget, as adopted. The City Council may then issue warrants in payment for expenditures authorized by the adopted revised budget. These warrants shall be referred to as registered warrants and shall be repaid during the next fiscal year from funds derived from taxes levied therefor.
   (E)   Within 30 days after the adoption of the budget under § 35.17 of this chapter, the City Council may, or within 30 days after notification of an error by the Auditor of Public Accounts, the City Council shall, correct an adopted budget which contains a clerical, mathematical or accounting error which does not affect the total amount budgeted by more than 1% or increase the amount required from property taxes. No public hearing shall be required for such a correction. After correction, the City Council shall file a copy of the corrected budget with the County Clerk of the county of counties in which the City Council is located and with the Auditor of Public Accounts. The City Council may then issue warrants in payment for expenditures authorized by the budget.
(1976 Code, § 1-804.02) (Ord. 1461, passed 2-8-2016)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 13-511
   The Manual of Instructions for City/Village Budgets, prepared by the Auditor of Public Accounts, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 is incorporated by reference for the purpose of proper budget preparation.
(1976 Code, § 1-805)