(A)   When a hearing is required, the applicant shall post public notice of the hearing in the local newspaper and post at the Town Hall. In addition, the applicant shall provide written notice to all adjoining property owners, including those across a street or alley from the subject property. All required notices shall be posted and provided at least ten days prior to the hearing date.
   (B)   The notice shall be prepared by the Town Clerk/Treasurer and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A brief description of the project;
      (2)   The project’s location relative to landmarks or cross streets and the address if available;
      (3)   An abbreviated legal description;
      (4)   Applicant’s name;
      (5)   Hearing date, time and place; and
      (6)   How additional information can be obtained.
(Ord. 294, passed 3-25-2014)