(A)   The Planning Commission may grant a modification or waiver to these regulations, as specified herein, providing the Planning Commission shall find:
      (1)   Unusual topographical or exceptional physical conditions exist;
      (2)   Strict compliance with these regulations would create an extraordinary hardship in the face of the exceptional conditions; or
      (3)   The modifications would provide for innovative design layout of the subdivision.
   (B)   In granting any modification or waiver to these regulations, the Planning Commission shall find that the modification or waiver will not be detrimental to the public interest or in conflict with the intent and purpose of these regulations.
   (C)   The Planning Commission may require certain conditions to be met, as may be determined necessary, to accomplish the purpose of these regulations, when modified.
(1984 Code, § 157.92) (Ord. O-86-78, passed 8-17-1978)