(A)   The owner or managing agent of each rental dwelling unit shall make initial written application for a rental dwelling license to the City Manager or his or her designee on a form provided by the city. The city may provide an electronic application in lieu of, or in addition to, a written application. Failure to file an application shall be deemed a violation of this division (A).
   (B)   A license fee shall be payable before a rental dwelling license or renewal license is issued. Rental dwelling license and renewal license fees shall be assessed per the number of rental dwelling units per parcel according to the following schedule:
1 Unit/Parcel
2—4 Units/Parcel
5—12 Units/Parcel
13—99 Units/Parcel
100+ Units/Parcel
   (C)   All first-time applicants will be issued a three-year provisional rental dwelling license.
   (D)   Upon successful inspection as described hereunder, the provisional rental dwelling license will convert to a regular rental dwelling license. The regular rental dwelling license will be valid through the date listed on the provisional rental dwelling license unless sooner terminated.
   (E)   No regular rental dwelling license or renewal thereof shall be issued unless:
      (1)   The rental property is in compliance with all the provisions of the Kentucky Building Code, Kentucky Standards of Safety, Nuisance Code, Property Maintenance Code and zoning ordinance; and
      (2)   The property owner provides the certification of a City Code Enforcement Officer attesting that the rental property at issue is in compliance with the requirements of the Kentucky Building Code, Kentucky Standards of Safety, Nuisance Code, Property Maintenance Code and zoning ordinance. Nothing in this chapter, except in the case of an emergency pursuant to § 10.22, shall be deemed to authorize the city to conduct an inspection of any property without the consent of the owner or managing agent, if the rental dwelling or rental dwelling units are unoccupied, and if occupied, upon the consent of the occupant of the property, in the absence of a warrant duly issued by a court of law.
   (F)   Any rental dwelling license issued hereunder is nontransferable.
   (G)   In the event ownership of rental property is transferred to a new owner, the new owner or managing agent shall apply for a rental dwelling license within 30 days of the closing of title if any portion of the premises is rented or leased at the time of closing. If an application is not filed as required by this division (G) there shall be a presumption that the property is being utilized as rental property by the new owner(s) or managing agent(s) in violation of law. Failure to file an application or to apply within the specified period shall be deemed a violation of this division (G).
   (H)   A late charge equal to three times the amount of the license fees set forth in division (B) above shall be charged to owners or managing agents who fail to apply for a rental dwelling license or to renew a rental dwelling license within the specified period. The late charge shall be assessed per the number of rental dwelling units per parcel according to the following schedule:
1 Unit/Parcel
2—4 Units/Parcel
5—12 Units/Parcel
13—99 Units/Parcel
100+ Units/Parcel
   (I)   A re-inspection fee of $50 shall be charged if the owner or managing agent fails to appear for a scheduled inspection for a second time.
   (J)   A re-inspection fee of $50 shall be charged if the unit has to be re-inspected because it failed to meet the standards set forth in this chapter or if the owner or managing agent failed to appear for a scheduled inspection.
   (K)   Rental dwelling licenses shall be renewed on April 15 each year, or the next applicable business day following if April 15 falls on a weekend or legal holiday. The City Manager, or his or her designee, may implement prorated license fees and staggered inspection dates to facilitate successful operation of the rental dwelling license program.
   (L)   A rental dwelling license shall be posted in a conspicuous place in a common area of any multi- family building.
(1984 Code, § 155.06) (Ord. O-17-20, passed 8-11-2020)