(A)   Criminal registration statements, photo- graphs and fingerprints shall at all times be kept by the Bureau of Identification in a file separate and apart from other files and records maintained and kept by the Police Department. The file shall not be opened to inspection by the public or by any person other than a regular member of the Police Department pursuant to police business.
   (B)   Any photograph may be exhibited to persons other than police officers of the city for the purpose of assisting in identifying the perpetrators of any crime.
   (C)   (1)   The Bureau of Identification shall have the authority to transmit copies of the criminal registration statements, photographs and fingerprints to the sheriff of any county in the state, to the head of any organized police department of a municipality or to the head of any state department engaged in the enforcement of any criminal law of that state or to the head of any federal law enforcement agency when a request is made in writing by the head of the law enforcement agency asking for the record of a certain person named therein or for the record of a person whose photographs or fingerprints reasonably correspond with photographs or fingerprints submitted with the request.
      (2)   The written request shall state that the record is deemed necessary for the use of such law enforcement officer or agency for the investigation of a crime or any person who is accused of committing a crime and further stating that the record will be used only for that purpose.
(1984 Code, § 130.09)