(A)   All dogs, cats and other animals taken into custody by an animal control officer or enforcement agent, as provided in § 90.56 of this chapter, shall be impounded at the animal shelter, except as provided in division (B) below.
   (B)   If the dog is found on the premises of its owner, but is unlicensed by the city or at large, an animal control officer or enforcement agent may, in his or her discretion, not impound the dog, but in lieu thereof, issue an administrative fine ticket on a form provided by the county to the owner for owning an unlicensed dog or permitting the dog, cat or other animal to be at-large.
   (C)   All dogs, cats and other animals impounded shall be handled or disposed of by state law, as provided by KRS Ch. 258 and § 90.42 of this chapter.
   (D)   No dog, cat and other animal impounded by an animal control officer or enforcement agent shall be released to its owner without authority from the county.
   (E)   If, by a current license tag or other means, the owner of an impounded animal can be identified, the animal shelter, an animal control officer or enforcement agent shall immediately, upon impoundment, notify the owner by telephone or mail. An owner reclaiming an impounded dog, cat or other animal shall pay a fee imposed by the animal shelter or other impounding authority and shall comply with any other requirements of the animal shelter or this subchapter before the dog, cat or other animal can be released, including, but not limited to, the spaying and neutering and injection of a microchip in a vicious dog.
   (F)   Any dog, cat or other animal seized by an animal control officer or enforcement agent shall be impounded for a minimum five days, and if not claimed by the owner by such time, shall become the property of the animal shelter, county or the city. Such animal may be placed for adoption in a suitable home or humanely euthanized.
(1984 Code, § 90.53) (Ord. O-50-82, passed 8-17-1982; Ord. O-19-86, passed 4-1-1986; Ord. O-33-03, passed 6-24-2003; Ord. O-23-05, passed 5-17-2005; Ord. O-4-12, passed 3-20-2012) Penalty, see § 90.99