(A) The city hereby adopts the following personnel and pay classification plan, including the compensation and classification plan contained in division (J) below, in accordance with KRS § 83A.070 and other applicable law. Pursuant to KRS § 83A.150, the City Manager shall administer the personnel and pay classification plan. The City Manager may delegate such duties and functions for the appropriate administration of this section.
   (B)   Within the limits of the applicable annual budgets and any amendments thereto established by city ordinance, each employee and non-elected city officer shall be compensated for his or her respective labor and services in an amount within the compensation range hereby established which applies to a specific job classification and job title, including any applicable working title, subject to any exceptions contained in this section.
   (C)   Supplemental payments for services previously rendered or other bonus payments are not permitted under state law and shall not be made.
   (D)   City employees and non-elected officials may receive longevity pay in accordance with the respective working agreements for positions covered in each working agreement and the city’s personnel policy. The calculation of longevity pay is as follows:
Annual Longevity = (Longevity Rate) multiplied by (Years of Service)
multiplied by (12 months)
   (E)   All agents and employees of the city, and in certain circumstances professionals appointed by the City Manager to fulfill an assignment on a temporary basis, may, for temporary periods of time and to meet emergency or exigent conditions, be assigned by the City Manager to any department in which they or any of their services may be required, and in addition thereto, shall perform such other duties as may be required by the City Manager in conformity with general laws of the commonwealth and the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city. The City Manager may approve a rate or method of pay or salary for persons in this category.
   (F)   Provisions for wages, pay, salaries and benefits are provided for employees who are provided coverage under the collective bargaining agreements, including, but not limited to, step in grade, and supplemental pay and other categories of pay, with the city, and those provisions are adopted by reference, incorporated herein, and approved in this section. Lump sum payments for services rendered may be made in accordance with the terms of the working agreements including when a working agreement has expired and an agreement to cover the time when the expiration of the agreement occurred.
   (G)   Co-op, seasonal and temporary employees shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis the same as all other city employees. All compensation shall be paid at the applicable rate according to the compensation and classification plan herein and as appropriated in the approved annual budget. Co-op, seasonal and temporary employees receive no other benefits and no pay on holidays. The City Manager may hire and assign co-op, seasonal and temporary employees.
   (H)   Characteristics and duties or responsibilities of a classification in the compensation and classification plan are general statements or references as categories indicating the level of responsibility and discretion of positions in that job classification. They do not limit or restrict the range of duties and responsibilities that may be assigned or required of an individual in a particular job classification.
   (I)   Position identification, job descriptions and working titles: specific job titles and descriptions for each position shall be adopted or amended by City Manager administrative order and shall be recorded on a form document known as a job description.
      (1)   Each job description shall identify a specific title for a position which fits within an appropriate classification in the compensation and classification plan herein.
      (2)   Job descriptions shall describe and explain the job duties and responsibilities typically assigned to a position within a particular classification under the compensation and classification plan herein.
      (3)   Minimum requirements as reflected in job descriptions shall be comprehensive statements of the minimum background as to education, experience and other qualifications which will be required in all cases as evidence of an appointee’s ability to perform the work properly.
      (4)   The City Clerk and Human Resources Director shall maintain a library of all approved job descriptions. These job descriptions shall constitute the official job titles and class specifications in the city’s classification plan. The copies of the specification for each job description shall indicate the date of adoption or the last revision of the specification.
      (5)   Job descriptions shall be available for inspection by any employee under reasonable conditions during business hours.
      (6)   The job description associated with a specific position shall be used to designate the position in all payroll and other official records and documents.
      (7)   Job descriptions shall be developed and retained for each city employee and/or position. If the duties and responsibilities assigned to a position are to be changed in a material and permanent way, the department head making the recommendation shall submit to the Human Resources Director a revised position description stating the duties and responsibilities to be assigned. If the changes to the duties would indicate that the position is not classified appropriately, the position may be reclassified to the most appropriate job classification under the compensation and classification plan herein. The Human Resources Director may make recommendations to the City Manager to modify the job description to more accurately describe job functions that have been or may be assigned to a job class or position. Any revisions of job descriptions must be approved by City Manager administrative order. No less than annually, the City Manager and Human Resources Director shall provide to the Board of Commissioners an updated list of all job positions and a summary of any revisions.
      (8)   In addition to formal job titles identified in job descriptions, a more specific “working title” may be used in the interest of improving city operations. Such working titles should describe the function of a position in a manner that is more easily recognized for purposed of internal or external communications. The City Manager and Human Resources Director shall oversee all requests for the creation of working titles. If approved, working titles shall be documented through the use of a City Manager administrative order amending a job description. The City Clerk shall keep a list of all approved working titles which have been adopted by City Manager administrative order.
   (J)   Positions that are open to the general public shall be posted on the city’s website for a minimum of 14 days. Job postings shall be sent to each city department for posting as well as appropriate recruiting sources to attract a diverse candidate pool. The deadline date of any posting may be extended based upon application response.
   (K)   All new hires, individual promotions and pay increases shall be approved annually by ordinance when the budget ordinance is approved and/or amended in accordance with applicable state law. New hires, individual promotions and pay increases that were not approved during the budgeting process will require Commission approval when they occur.
   (L)   Pay for certain employees may be greater or less the ranges provided for in the compensation and classification plan under exigent or unusual circumstances including, but not limited to: when an employee may exhibit extraordinary skill, knowledge, experience or educational qualifications; and/or when the market requires that in order to employ or retain such an employee it is necessary to pay that person an amount greater than provided in the salary ranges approved herein; and/or based on length of service; and/or when an employee can be retained and hired to perform duties for less than the ranges indicated in a category.
   (M)   The classification numbers/categories and compensation ranges for employees of the city (unless otherwise noted) whose positions are not represented by any union or working agreement, are hereby established as follows:
Classification 1
Job Title
City Manager/Assistant City Manager
Compensation Range
$70,000—$160,000 annual salary
Overall responsibility for the performance of all city departments and functions. Reports directly to legislative body of the city.
Assistant City Manager will share the duties of the City Manager as assigned by the City Manager.
Classification 2
Classification 2
Department Director/Assistant Director
Compensation Range
$70,000—$120,000 annual salary
Responsible for the overall performance of a specific department. Directs through subordinate Managers/Supervisors/staff large and complex critical programs impacting broad constituencies across the city. Spends the majority of time (50% or more) achieving organizational objectives through the coordinated achievements of subordinate staff who report to the Director through the performance of the following managerial functions:
• Assumes accountability for decision made by subordinates
• Manages employee performance (for example, guides, coaches and disciplines staff)
• Manages workflow, operations, apportioning the work
• Establishes department goals and objectives (and manages department progress toward goals)
• Determines techniques and processes
• Plans and oversee the budget
• Monitors or implements legal or policy compliance measures
• Performs strategic planning for the department
• This position reports to the City Manager or his or her designee
Classification 3
Compensation Range
$50,000 to $100,000 annual salary
These positions require skill and specialized knowledge and/or education are related to data collection/management and analysis, IT, engineering, accountants, attorneys and the like
Classification 4
Classification 4
Compensation Range
$60,000—$90,000 annual salary
Leads or supervises one or more employees within a department or function of a department. This position typically supervises at least two full-time employees and performs supervisory functions where independent judgment is exercised in at least three of the following:
• Independently selects subordinates OR participates in the interviews and recommends who should be hired
• Independently determines subordinates’ performance ratings or recommends performance ratings
• Independently decides within budgetary limitations the amount of subordinate increase, who will be selected for promotional opportunities, and whether to request the reclassification of a position, OR recommends these actions
• Has independent authority to discipline and determines what discipline should be imposed OR recommends
• Has independent authority to resolve grievances or complaints or formulates and recommends a resolution to a grievances or complaints
• Ability to make decisions without approval within the scope of his or her duties
Classification 5
Compensation Range
$40,000 to $75,000 annual salary
This category includes skilled or semi-skilled positions, where the skills are typically acquired through vocational education and/or apprenticeships, certifications, specialized or on-the-job training. Problems are typically solved through knowledge of past practices and procedural guidelines or knowledge gained through certification or licensing program. Historic preservation, planning Section 8 representative, CDBG, HUD, recreation and mechanics and the like. May manage part-time and/or less than 2 FTEs.
Classification 6
Compensation Range
$30,000 to $65,000 annual salary
Provides administrative clerical/administrative support to a department and/or an individual within the city.
Classification 7
Part-time, temporary, intern, seasonal, special projects
Compensation Range
$11 to $50 per hour
Duties will vary depending on the department and type of assignment. May provide a wide range of duties that may or may not fall under any of the categories listed. Pay will be based on the KSA’s required by the position.
(1984 Code, § 34.01) (Ord. O-27-19, passed 8-13-2019)