Because the City of Cottonwood recognizes that many persons under the age of 21 years purchase or otherwise obtain, possess, and use tobacco, tobacco related devices, electronic delivery devices, and nicotine or lobelia delivery products, and such sales, possession, and use are violations of both state and federal laws; and because studies, which the city hereby accepts and adopts, have shown that most smokers begin smoking before they have reached the age of 21 years and that those persons who reach the age of 21 years without having started smoking are significantly less likely to begin smoking; and because tobacco use has been shown to be the cause of several serious health problems which subsequently place a financial burden on all levels of government; this subchapter shall be intended to regulate the sale, possession, and use of tobacco, tobacco related devices, electronic delivery devices, and nicotine or lobelia delivery products for the purpose of enforcing and furthering existing laws, to protect minors against the serious effects associated with the illegal use of tobacco, tobacco related devices, electronic delivery devices, and nicotine or lobelia delivery products, and to further the official public policy of the State of Minnesota in regard to preventing young people from starting to smoke as stated in M.S. § 144.391.
(Ord. 2020-01, passed 2-18-2020)