a.   It shall be unlawful for any truck to travel those certain state roads set forth in division c. below, as now or hereafter amended, unless the vehicle trip originates or ends on such road or is made for the purpose of making a delivery to a site on such road. All such roads shall be posted with signs at each end of said road that state, “No Thru Trucks”. At the Council’s discretion such signs may also be posted at the intersection of any such road with other roads.
   b.   This article shall apply to roads specifically authorized herein by the Board of Commissioners and as later added to or deleted from division c. below by resolution of the Council. Upon adoption, this article shall apply immediately to those roads listed in division c. below.
   c.   1.   Salley Ackerman Drive;
      2.   Durrant Drive;
      3.   Griffith Acreas; and
      4.   Framer Street.
(Ord. 2014-05, passed 5-5-2014)