§ 9-3-4: FEES:
   A.   Building Permit Fees: Building permit fees shall be established in the City’s fee ordinance. No permit as required by this Chapter shall be issued until the fees prescribed by said ordinance have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be approved until the additional fees, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building or structure have been paid.
   B.   Plan Checking Fees:
      1.   When a plan check is required, a plan checking fee computed according to the uniform Building Code shall be charged by the City.
      2.   Where plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan checking, or the City incurs costs due to the plan check over the amount specified, an additional plan check fee shall be charged at a rate established by the Building Official.
      3.   Plans for all proposed buildings shall be prepared by an architect registered by the state board of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience and interior design as required by Minnesota Statutes Section 326.02 et seq.
      4.   The plan checking fee shall be paid by the applicant to the City prior to issuance of a building permit by the Building Official.
   C.   Service Availability Charge: Applicants for building permits for all new residential, commercial or industrial construction within the metropolitan sewer service area shall be required to pay a sewer service availability charge (“SAC”) in accordance with a schedule which shall be established by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services from time to time, said charge to be payable at the time of the issuance of a building permit.
   D.   Determination of Value: The determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of the Building Code shall be determined by using the most current estimate of construction costs as furnished by the Minnesota State Building Code Division.
   E.   Exemptions From Fees: All proposed buildings which shall be wholly owned by a governmental unit or political subdivision shall be exempt from the building permit fees and plan checking fee, provided the designing architect or engineer shall submit evidence to the Building Official to substantiate that the provisions of this Chapter will be and are followed when such provisions are applicable.