A.   Adoption of State Regulations: The Minnesota Waters and Watercraft Safety Laws, Minnesota Statutes Section 86B.001 et seq. by the State Department of Natural Resources, and Minnesota Rules Parts 6110.0100 through 6110.2300, incorporated by reference, and made part hereof as if fully set forth in their entirety. At least three (3) copies of said Minnesota Waters and Watercraft Safety Laws and Boat and Water Safety Rules and Regulations so adopted shall be marked as official copies and filed in the office of the City Clerk, City of Cottage Grove and Grey Cloud Island Township along with this Chapter.
   B.   Violations: Any person violating the Minnesota Waters and Watercraft Safety Laws and the Boat and Water Safety Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, adopted, and incorporated herein by reference, shall be subject to the penalties and punishment as provided in City Code Section 1-3-2.