§ 53.04  FEES.
   Fees due the municipality for collection service shall be set prospectively by ordinance by the governing body, as from time to time shall be deemed necessary by the Village Board, and shall be on file in the office of the Village Clerk and available for inspection at any reasonable time. The Village Clerk or his or her designated collection agent shall bill the owner of the real estate receiving collection service and such owner shall be liable for the collection bill pursuant to the procedure set forth above. Any unpaid bills or fees for such service shall be a lien against the real estate receiving the collection service and may be foreclosed or certified to the County Clerk to be collected as a special tax in the manner provided by law.
(Prior Code, § 4-206)  (Ord. 1982-1, passed 4-7-1982; Ord. 1986-8, passed 10-1-1986; Ord. 1988-2, passed 6-1-1988; Ord. 1988-4, passed 10-5-1988; Ord. 1993-9, passed 10-20-1993; Ord. 2001-3, passed 3-7-2001)