A.   Animal Limitations: The maintenance and keeping of animals and fowl on a lot or parcel of land in an R1 or DZ zone, where such use is permitted, shall be limited to a total of forty (40) animal points per one-half (1/2) acre of land, excluding the residence (1/2 acre minimum required for animal points) as determined from the chart below:
Horses and cattle
20 points
Sheep and goats
10 points
All animals located on a lot or parcel of land must be contained upon said lot or parcel
      1.   Small Animals: Chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, rabbits, chinchillas and other small animals are allowed according to the following requirements.
         a.   The permitted number of small animals based on the size of the lot is as follows:
7,000 square feet
2 small animals
8,000 square feet
4 small animals
10,000 square feet
6 small animals
14,000 square feet
8 small animals
20,000 square feet
10 small animals
No more than 10 small animals will be permitted on any lot.
         b.   Small animals are allowed in most residential areas of the city. Roosters and crowing hens are prohibited. The number of small animals you may be allowed depends upon your size of lot. Minimum number of chickens is two (2) for the social wellness of the chickens.
         c.    A minimum of two and one half (2.5) square feet per small animal shall be provided. The coop shall not be larger than two hundred (200) square feet and shall be located in the back yard. All coops and shelters are considered accessory buildings and must meet all setback requirements. The setback requirements for an accessory building can be found in section 9-7B-10. There shall be an enclosed run with a minimum of five (5) square feet per small animal. Small animals are not allowed to run or roam free outside of a fenced area. All coops and runs shall be kept clean and free from objectionable odor.
         d.   The keeping of residential small animals cannot be used for a business or monetary gain, including the sale of eggs. Dead animals and unused eggs must be removed and disposed of within twenty four (24) hours. If a complaint is made to the city about noise, odor or other violation(s) as verified by the city Animal Control Officer, if the owner of the property fails to mitigate the noise, odor or other violation, small animals will no longer be allowed at that property. Any violation of this section shall be considered a Class C Misdemeanor.
   B.   Landscaping: All open disturbed areas in residential zones between the front lot line and the rear line of the main building, except driveways, parking areas, walkways, utility areas, improved decks, patios and porches, shall be maintained with suitable landscaping of plants, shrubs, trees, grass and xeriscaping. (Ord. 13-01, 9-3-2013; amd. Ord. 21-01, 11-3-2020)
   C.   Fences And Walls: Notwithstanding the setback, yard and height requirements for structures otherwise stated in this title, fences, walls, hedges, shrubs, berms and other unroofed landscaping appurtenances may be located on the property line, or adjacent to the sidewalk, or in the yard between the building setback line and the property line or sidewalk; provided, that the maximum height above natural grade for a fencer wall, hedge, berm or similar unroofed landscape feature is:
      1.   Four feet (4') where such fence or other feature is located in front of the front building line of the dwelling or main building.
      2.   Six feet (6') where-such fence or other feature is located behind the front building line of the dwelling or main building.
      3.   Three feet (3') where such fence or other feature is sight obscuring and is located within the clear vision area of a corner lot, except for trees from which the lower branches are pruned to provide a minimum seven foot (7') high clear sight area below the tree. Shrubs are permitted in this area which are trimmed to a height of three feet (3') or less.
      4.   Four feet (4') where such fence or other feature is sight obscuring and is located in an area that is within ten feet (10') of a driveway and twenty feet (20') of a street.
   D.   Barbed Wire: Barbed wire fences or any fence with barbed wire strands shall not be allowed in the R1, R2 or DZ Residential Zones along or adjacent to streets, nor as a division fence between adjoining lots or parcels of land which are one-half (½) acre or less in size and occupied as a place of residence. Any barbed wire fence so erected or maintained is hereby declared a nuisance, except when used for security reasons around a public utility site.
   E.   Location Of Boats, Trailers, Campers, Motor Homes And Vehicles: Boats, trailers, campers, motor homes and vehicles may not be stored in the front yard of any lot or in the street side yard of a corner lot in excess of twenty four (24) hours, except that a vehicle owned by a guest of the resident may be stored in a required front yard or street side yard (on corner lots) for up to seven (7) consecutive days per calendar quarter. A motor home, RV or vehicle may be occupied by a resident or guests of the resident for up to seven (7) consecutive days per calendar quarter.
   F.   Storage Of Commercial Vehicles: No trucks, motor vehicles or commercial trailers having a registered weight exceeding twelve thousand (12,000) pounds shall be stored or parked on any lot or parcel within any R1, R2 or DZ Residential Zone, including construction and/or earthmoving equipment. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the tractor portion of a semitruck may be parked or stored on a parcel or lot in a residential zone occupied by the driver, provided said vehicle is parked or stored entirely within the boundaries of said lot or parcel and provided further that the vehicle shall not obstruct the public sidewalk or trail.
   G.   Temporary Mobile Homes: A temporary conditional use permit may be issued for a temporary mobile home which may be located on the rear portion of a residential lot during the construction of a permanent dwelling for not longer than one (1) year. The Planning Commission may require that a bond or other guarantee be posted to ensure that the temporary mobile home is removed by the expiration date of the permit.
   H.   Trash And Waste Storage: No trash, used materials or wrecked or nonoperational or abandoned vehicles or equipment shall be stored in an open area or yard. All such materials must be screened from public streets and adjacent property located within the R1, R2 or DZ Zones with an opaque fence or wall or must be stored within an enclosed building. All trash storage areas shall be screened and/or hidden from the public or adjoining residential area view by appropriate fencing and/or landscaping methods and placed in a rear area of the main building, if possible. No hazardous materials or chemicals or oils/solvents shall be stored in areas that do not meet Health Department regulations or are accessible to the public. Trash storage plans must be presented to the Planning Commission for approval, prior to issuance of a building permit. (Ord. 13-01, 9-3-2013; amd. Ord. 21-01, 11-3-2020)