The following residential zones are hereby created under this title and may be collectively referred to as the residential zones or the R zones:
   A.   R1 Zone: The single-family residential zone, herein referred to as the R1 zone, is established to provide areas for the encouragement and promotion of an environment for family life by providing for the establishment of one-family detached dwellings on individual lots and associated uses as hereinafter defined. This zone is characterized by attractively landscaped or naturally rural lots with lawns and shrubs and natural open spaces. The minimum lot size is nine thousand nine hundred (9,900) square feet, with a depth of one hundred thirty two feet (132').
   B.   R2 Zone: The two-family residential zone, herein referred to as the R2 zone, is established to provide a residential environment within the town which is characterized by attractively landscaped single-family and two-family residential lots and structures and associated uses as hereinafter defined. This zone is intended to have a residential density the same as the R1 zone, and to maintain a residential character comparable to that of a single-family residential area with large landscaped front yards. The minimum lot size for this zone is nineteen thousand eight hundred (19,800) square feet and a depth of one hundred thirty two feet (132'). The R2 zone overlays the R1 zone. Each two-family residential unit shall be no closer than five (5) blocks to another two-family residential unit.
   C.   DZ Zone: The development zone, herein referred to as the DZ zone, is established to provide areas where detached single-family dwellings and associated uses, as hereinafter defined, may be harmoniously integrated with flexible lot developments. This zone is characterized by open land that is interspersed with residential dwellings with attractively landscaped lots. (Ord. 13-01, 9-3-2013)