In order to carry out the purposes of this title, zone districts have been established as set forth in chapter 7, articles A through E, of this title. These zone districts are identified on the official zoning map, which is adopted as a part of this title. In interpreting the zoning map, the following standards shall apply:
   A.   The zoning boundary lines are intended to conform to existing property boundary lines when not in a public right of way, or to follow the centerline of public rights of way (including prescriptive rights of way), unless the lines are located by specific dimensions, in which case the dimensions shall control. Where the zoning district lines approximately follow the lot lines as they exist at the date of adoption of this title, the district lines shall be conformed to the lot lines.
   B.   Where the zoning district lines appear to have intentionally divided a lot or parcel between two (2) or more districts, the applicable zoning for each portion of the lot or parcel shall be determined by using the scale shown on the map. If the placement of the district line cannot be determined, the standards of the zone allowing the less intensive land use shall be applied to the entire parcel.
   C.   Where the district lines are intended to follow natural land contours, such as the ridge tops, hillsides or waterways, the line shall be determined at the point at which the general slope of the land changes to fifteen percent (15%) grade or in the case of waterways, the average centerline of the waterway. In the event of a dispute as to the location of the change in grade, the point shall be fixed with reference to topographic data submitted to the town. Where land of less than fifteen percent (15%) slope is surrounded by land of fifteen percent (15%) or greater slope, the planning commission shall entertain an application to rezone the land of less than fifteen percent (15%) slope to a suitable residential use if the town staff determines that the land is adequately accessible and not within a sensitive lands overlay zone or designation, and one access of which is a road of standard width that does not exceed eight percent (8%) grade, and that the grading of the road or roads to reach the land in question will not create hydrologic, erosion, geologic or similar hazards for land lying below the proposed road, and that all cuts and fills for the road can be safely stabilized. (Ord., 1-18-2005)