A.   Within fifteen (15) working days after the site plan review application has been deemed to be complete, the Planning Director shall review the site plan. If the Planning Director determines that the site plan cannot be approved without the granting of a variance or use permit, or the enactment of an amendment to this Title, the applicant shall be informed in writing of such conclusion and the findings leading to that conclusion, and a recommendation as to the process for consideration of such variance, use permit, or amendment to this Title.
      1.   The Planning Director may determine that an application for site plan review cannot be deemed complete without the appropriate environmental assessment or the obtaining of a permit from another agency which may have discretionary authority over some aspect of the proposed project.
      2.   Should the Planning Director make the determination that such conditions exist that require an environmental assessment or the discretionary approval of another agency, the applicant shall be notified in writing of such requirements and that the application will not be deemed complete until such requirements have been met.
   B.   Except as provided under subsection A of this Section, within sixty (60) days after site plan review application is deemed to be complete, the Planning Director shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the site plan. In approving the site plan, the Commission shall make the findings prescribed under Section 11-19-8 of this Title. The action of the Planning Commission shall be final unless appealed to the City Council.
      1.   The Planning Director may determine that based on the potential to impact surrounding property owners that an administrative public hearing on the site plan should be conducted. Should, in the opinion of the Planning Director, such a public hearing be desirable, an administrative public hearing shall be scheduled consistent with the requirements of Chapter 25 of this Title.
         a.   The Planning Director shall conduct the hearing as the hearing officer and shall present the application and take testimony in favor of, or in opposition to the proposed project.
         b.   Should an administrative public hearing be conducted, the Planning Director shall include evidence and testimony entered as part of the record at that hearing in any findings required for the site plan approval, modification, or denial.
   C.   The approved site plan, with any conditions shown thereon or attached thereto, shall be dated and signed by the Planning Director, with one copy mailed to the applicant and one copy filed with the Building Official.
   D.   Revisions by the applicant to an approved site plan shall be resubmitted to the Planning Department in the manner required for drawings first submitted. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)