A.   The applicant shall submit seven (7) copies of the site plan review application, drawings and any specifications to the Planning Director. The site plan shall be drawn to scale and indicate clearly and with full dimensions, the following information:
      1.   Dimensions: Lot or site dimensions.
      2.   All Buildings And Structures: Location, size, height, proposed use.
      3.   Yards: Yards and space between buildings.
      4.   Walls And Fences: Location, height and materials.
      5.   Off-Street Parking And Off-Street Loading: Location, number of spaces and dimensions of parking and loading areas, internal circulation direction of travel.
      6.   Access: Pedestrian and vehicular points of ingress and egress from public streets, internal circulation.
      7.   Signs And Sign Program For Multi-Tenant Projects: Location, size, height and type of illumination, if any, including hooding devices.
      8.   Lighting: Location and general nature, hooding devices to prevent lighting spillover onto neighboring parcels.
      9.   Streets: Name all adjacent streets, roads or alleys, showing right of way and dedication widths, reservation widths, and all types of improvements existing or proposed.
      10.   Landscaping: Location, type, size and botanical name of plants and method of irrigation. A description of maintenance provisions for landscape areas.
      11.   Refuse Enclosures: Location, type and material.
      12.   Other: Such other data pertaining to site development as may be required by the Planning Director to make the required findings. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)