A.   A use permit granted under the provisions of this Chapter or a conforming conditional use established prior to the enactment of this Title may be revised as to features of the site plan previously approved, provided that such revisions are minor, as determined by the Planning Director. Application for minor revisions to the site plan shall be made in writing, including two (2) copies no larger than eleven by seventeen (11 x 17) of the revised site plan, to the Planning Director. The Planning Director may approve such revisions, if the Planning Director can determine that the revisions will not substantially change the intensity or character of the use as previously approved by the Planning Commission.
      1.   Such minor revisions shall be reduced to writing and included as a notation of amendment to such use permit.
      2.   The applicant for such minor amendment shall be informed as to the decision of the Planning Director within fifteen (15) working days after the decision of the Planning Director.
      3.   The Planning Director shall report to the Planning Commission at their next regular meeting as to the scope of the minor revision and the findings that allowed such minor revision. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)