A.   The public hearings provided for in this Chapter shall be held at the time and place for which such hearings were set and notices thereof given.
   B.   Any such hearing may be continued by the majority of the members present at any hearing, who may fix a time and place to which such hearing may be continued, even in the absence of a quorum, in which case the presiding officer at such hearing shall publicly announce, prior to the conclusion of the hearing, the time and place to which the hearing is to be continued, and no further notice shall be required. In the absence of all of the members of the Commission at the time and place for which such hearing was set, it shall be deemed continued to the next regular meeting of the Commission, and no further notice shall be required.
   C.   A majority in number of the total voting membership of the Commission shall constitute a legal quorum for the purposes of conducting such hearing.
   D.   The decision of the Commission on any conditional use permit shall be by a resolution of the Commission, carried by the affirmative votes of not less than a majority of its total membership. A tie vote shall be considered a technical denial.
   E.   The Commission shall have the authority to establish any reasonable rules of procedure for the conduct of such hearing. The Commission may cause investigations to be made as it deems necessary and in the public interest in any matter to be heard by it. Such investigations may be made by a committee of one or more members of the Commission, or by the members of its staff, or by its agents or employees.
The facts established by such investigations shall be submitted to the Commission, either in writing to be filed with the records of the matter, or in testimony before the Commission, and may be considered by the Commission in making its decision.
   F.   The Commission shall cause a written summary of all pertinent testimony heard at such public hearing, together with a record of the names and addresses of all persons testifying, to be prepared and filed with the papers relating to such matter. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)