A.   Permanent/Fixed Signs: The Planning Director or designee shall remove or cause the removal of any fixed, permanent sign constructed, placed or maintained in violation of this Chapter, after fifteen (15) days following the date of mailing of registered or certified written notice to the owner of the property as shown on the latest assessment roll. The notice shall describe the sign and specify the violation, and indicate that the sign will be removed if the violation is not corrected within ten (10) days. If the owner disagrees with the determination of the Planning Director, the owner may, within the ten (10) day period request a hearing before the Planning Director to determine the existence of a violation.
   B.   Temporary Signs: The Planning Director or designee shall have the authority to remove illegal temporary signs without any notice requirements.
   C.   Storage Of Removed Signs: Signs removed by the Planning Director or designee in compliance with this Section shall be stored for a period of 10 days, during which time they may be recovered by the owner upon payment to the City of costs of removal and storage. If not recovered prior to expiration of the ten (10) day period, the sign and supporting structures shall be declared abandoned and title thereto shall vest to the City, and the cost of removal shall be billed to the owner.
   D.   Alteration And Removal Of Dangerous, Obsolete And Nonconforming Signs And Advertising Structures: For the purpose of this Section, certain signs and advertising structures are hereby declared dangerous, obsolete or nonconforming and shall be removed or altered to conform as follows:
      1.   Dangerous Signs: A dangerous sign is defined as any sign which is an immediate peril or a potential menace to the safety of persons or property. The Building Inspector shall give a written order for the repair or removal of any dangerous sign to the owner of the property upon which such sign is located. If such owner fails to remove or repair such sign within the period of time specified by the Building Inspector, the Building Inspector may cause the removal of such sign and may enter upon such property for such purpose. Any cost accrued by the City in the removal of such sign shall be charged to the owner of the property upon which sign is located at a rate established by resolution of the City Council to cover the costs of such removal.
      2.   Obsolete Signs: Any accessory sign hereafter existing which no longer advertises a bona fide business conducted or product sold on the premises where such sign exists shall be removed or made to conform by the owner of the building, structure, or property upon which such sign is located within ninety (90) days after written notification by the Building Inspector, or the Building Inspector may cause the removal of such sign. Any cost accrued by the City shall be treated in the same manner as provided for dangerous signs.
      3.   Nonconforming Signs: For the purposes of this Section, the following time schedule for the permitted continuance of nonconforming signs shall apply:
         a.   Signs which are nonconforming because of their lighting, movement, or animation shall be made to conform or be removed within ninety (90) days after written notification by the Building Inspector.
         b.   When such nonconforming signs are removed at or before the end of the required amortization period, every future sign shall be in conformance with the provisions of this Section. Repairs and alterations necessary to maintain a nonconforming sign shall not be construed as lengthening the amortization period set forth by this Section.
   E.   Replacement Of Signs Upon Change Of Use: When a use within a building, a part of a building, or a site is changed to another use, the sign relating to the new use shall be made to conform to the provisions of this Section. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)