A.   Definitions: For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions are hereby adopted:
   FRONT YARD: That portion of a lot between the front lot line and the front of the principal building on the lot, and extending to both side lot lines.
   REAR YARD: That portion of a lot between the rear lot line and the back of the principal building on the lot, and extending to both side lot lines.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: Shall include, but not be limited to, motor home, travel trailer, truck cab-over camper (excluding when used primarily for transportation on a daily basis), or camping trailer, designed for recreation and/or human habitation, boat, boat trailer, dune buggy, or detached camper shell. "Recreational vehicle" shall mean a vehicular unit not exceeding forty feet (40') in overall length, eight feet (8') in width, or thirteen and one-half feet (131/2') in overall height, primarily designated for recreational, camping, or travel use; either under its own motive power or by design to be mounted on or drawn by automotive means.
   SIDE YARD: That portion of a lot not surrounded by buildings on the lot and not in the front or rear yard.
   B.   Parking And Storage: Recreational vehicles may be parked or stored in any of the Residential (R) Districts subject to the following conditions:
      1.   That parking shall be permitted within any enclosed structure or carport, which otherwise conforms to the zoning requirements of the particular zone where located or in a rear yard.
      2.   That parking shall be permitted in a side yard only where access to the rear yard is restrictive to the extent of imposing unreasonable difficulty. The construction, modification, or demolition of a fence, or removal or modification of landscaping shall not be considered unreasonable.
      3.   That parking shall be permitted in a front yard only where the use of rear and side yard is unreasonable for that purpose due to physical or dimensional characteristics of the lot. The construction, modification or demolition of a fence, or removal or modification of landscaping (except for existing trees 6 inches in diameter 2 feet above ground level) shall not be considered unreasonable. A corner lot shall normally be deemed to have reasonable access to the rear or side yard. Parking in front yard areas shall be limited to two (2) recreational vehicles provided:
         a.   That parking surfaces shall be all weather; i.e., gravel, decomposed granite, asphalt paving, or concrete, when used in a front yard area or an area visible from a public right of way.
         b.   That a bona fide guest(s) on the property which is owned by or leased to the host person may occupy or use a recreational vehicle for habitation purposes for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) consecutive days; excepting therefrom where unforeseen circumstances necessitate consideration of periods of time in excess of the limit. Said discretionary determinations shall be considered by the Planning Director.
         c.   That within multi-family developments involving twenty (20) or more dwelling units, centralized parking for recreational vehicles shall be provided at the ratio of one RV parking space for each ten (10) dwelling units.
         d.   That the recreational vehicle and the area of storage shall be maintained in a clean, neat, and presentable manner, and the equipment shall be in a stable condition at all times, and properly licensed or registered as required by the State.
   C.   Appeals: A decision by the Planning Director may be appealed in writing by the applicant or any interested party. An appeal shall be filed consistent with the procedure in Chapter 18 of this Title. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)