A.   Parking Space Described: A parking space shall be an area for the parking of a motor vehicle, plus those additional areas and facilities required to provide for the safe ingress and egress from said space. The area set aside to meet these provisions must be usable and accessible for the type of off- street parking need which must be satisfied.
In any residential district, all motor vehicles incapable of movement under their own power, other than in cases of emergency, shall be stored in an entirely enclosed space, garage or covered parking in a multi- family residential district.
   B.   Additional Parking: Except as provided in Section 11-14-10 of this Chapter, at the time of initial occupancy of a site or of construction of a building, or of a major alteration, or enlargement of a site or building, or a change in use of property that requires additional parking, there shall be provided off-street parking facilities for automobiles in accordance with the requirements of this Section and other applicable provisions of this Chapter.
   C.   Parking Space Schedule:
      1.   Residential Uses:
         a.   One-family dwellings: Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit, with at least one space within a garage.
         b.   Multi-family dwellings: In accordance with the following schedule with at least one covered space per unit:
Type Of Unit
Number Of Spaces
Studio (no bedroom)
One bedroom
Two bedroom
Three bedroom
         c.   Housing for the elderly: One space for each dwelling unit, provided that sufficient space shall be set aside for one and one-half (11/2) spaces for each dwelling unit in the event of a change of use to nonelderly housing.
         d.   Private clubs, fraternity houses, sorority houses, lodging houses and rooming houses: One space for each two (2) beds.
         e.   Motels and hotels: One space for each guestroom, plus one space for each employee.
      2.   Uses Within The Central Commercial District And Downtown District:
         a.   Parking requirements provided under subsections C3 and C4 of this section, for commercial and industrial uses shall apply and govern for uses within the central commercial district and downtown district.
      3.   Uses Within Integrated Shopping Centers:
         a.   Uses within an integrated shopping center located within an area designated by neighborhood, central or community commercial and downtown district by the general plan, involving a combination of any three (3) or more retail uses permitted within the CN or CC district for which building area, off street parking, off street loading, landscaping, lighting and other features are developed, managed and maintained as if a single unit: Three (3) spaces for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross leasable area.
         b.   Uses not within an integrated shopping center as defined under subsection C3a of this section: The number of spaces otherwise required for the type of use by provisions of this chapter.
      4.   Commercial And Industrial Uses:
         a.   Banks: One space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area.
         b.   Business and professional offices (not including medical or public administrative offices): One space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor area.
         c.   Retail stores:
            (1)   Food: One space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor area;
            (2)   Minimarket food stores: One space for each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area for stores under two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)
            (3)   Convenience/minimarkets: Spaces at pump islands may be counted, but not to exceed four (4) spaces. The minimum number of parking spaces required by this code shall be provided on site but there must be a minimum of at least five (5) on site spaces that are not located at pump islands. (Ord. 598, 9-4-2007)
         d.   Retail stores, other than food, and personal service establishments: One space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor space.
         e.   Retail stores which handle only bulky merchandise such as furniture, household appliances, motor vehicles, farm implements and machinery: One space for each six hundred (600) square feet of floor area.
         f.   Service commercial establishments, repair shops and wholesale establishments: One space for each six hundred (600) square feet of floor area, or one space for each two (2) employees, whichever number is the greatest.
         g.   Commercial and industrial uses conducted primarily outside of buildings: One space for each two (2) employees of the maximum working shift.
         h.   Manufacturing plants and other industrial uses: One space for each two (2) employees of the maximum working shift.
      5.   Utility Uses:
         a.   Electric distribution substations, electric transmission substations, gas regulator stations, public utility pumping stations, reservoirs, water or gas storage tank farms, sewage treatment plants and other public utility buildings and uses: 1 space for each 3 employees of the maximum working shift, plus 1 space for each company vehicle stored on the site. Where such facility is unmanned, no spaces need be provided.
      6.   Health Uses:
         a.   Medical and dental offices or clinics, including, but not limited to, chiropractors, dentists, doctors, physical therapists, optometrists, psychiatrists, and similar professions: 3 spaces for each practitioner, plus 1 space for each employee or 1 space for each 250 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
         b.   Rest homes, nursing homes, convalescent homes, homes for the aged: 1 space for each employee of the daytime shift, plus 1 space for each 4 beds.
         c.   Charitable and religious institutions providing sleeping accommodations: 1 space for each employee and 1 space for each 4 beds.
         d.   Hospitals: 1 space for each 4 beds and 1 space for each 2 employees of the maximum working shift, plus 1 space for each doctor.
      7.   Places Of Assembly:
         a.   Cafe, restaurant or other establishment for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages: 1 space for each 4 seats.
         b.   Drive-in restaurants: 1 space for each 2 seats in an organized area interior or exterior to the structure, plus 1 space for each employee using the maximum number of employees on any daily work shift.
         c.   Auditoriums (except school auditoriums), churches, mortuaries, sports arenas and stadiums, dance halls, private clubs and lodges: 1 space for each 50 square feet of floor area used for seating if seats are not fixed, or 1 space for each 4 seats. School classrooms associated with a church do not require parking in addition to that required for church seating.
         d.   Theaters: 1 space for each 5 seats.
         e.   Bowling alleys: 4 spaces for each alley, plus 1 space for each 4 seats devoted to restaurant and/or cocktail lounge, plus 1 space for each employee of the maximum working shift.
         f.   Other places of assembly without fixed seats: 1 space for each 50 square feet of floor area used for assembly, plus 1 space for each employee of the maximum working shift.
      8.   Educational Uses:
         a.   Public and private elementary and junior high schools: 1 space for each employee including teachers, administrators, and custodians, plus sufficient space for safe and convenient bus loading and unloading of students as determined by the Planning Director.
         b.   High schools: 1 space for each employee including teachers, administrators and custodians, plus 1 space for each 10 students enrolled, plus sufficient space for safe and convenient bus loading and unloading of students as determined by the Planning Director.
         c.   Colleges: 1 space for each employee including teachers, administrators and custodians, plus 1 space for each 5 students enrolled.
         d.   Nursery schools: 1 space for each employee plus sufficient space for safe and convenient loading and unloading of students as determined by the Planning Director.
         e.   Business, professional and trade schools and colleges, art, craft, music and dancing schools: 1 space for each employee including teachers and administrators, plus 1 space for each 3 adult students.
      9.   Public Use:
         a.   City, County, special district, State and Federal administrative offices: 1 space for each 2 employees, plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area.
         b.   Public buildings and grounds other than administrative offices and educational uses: 1 space for each 2 employees of the maximum working shift, plus the number of additional spaces required by the Planning Director.
      10.   Transportation Terminals And Facilities:
         a.   Airports, heliports, bus depots, taxi stations, railroad stations and yards, truck terminals: 1 space for each employee of the maximum working shift, plus the number of additional spaces prescribed by the Planning Director.
      11.   Miscellaneous Uses: For a use not specified in the above parking spaces schedule, the same number of parking spaces shall be provided, as determined by the Planning Director, as are required for the most similar specified use.
      12.   Exceptions To Off-Street Parking Requirements: Where an existing building is on land classified in a CC or CD District, one-half (1/2) of the requirements of this Chapter pertaining to off-street parking shall be waived. However, land that becomes vacant or cleared for development or redevelopment in a CC or CD District will be subject to full parking requirements.
Additional exceptions to parking requirements may be allowed by the Planning Director in the CD District where such uses comply with a downtown master plan adopted by the City and where the City has enacted such off-street parking programs.
No existing building shall be altered or reconstructed so as to increase the amount of floor space unless full parking requirements are satisfied for the additional floor space.
   D.   Units Of Measurement:
      1.   For the purposes of this Chapter, "floor area" shall mean the floor area used, or intended to be used, for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients or patients, or as tenants, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for the display or sale of merchandise. It shall not include areas used principally for nonpublic use, including storage, or administrative offices incidental to a commercial use.
      2.   In outdoor or indoor places of assembly, in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each twenty four inches (24") of such seating facility shall be counted as one seat for the purposes of determining requirements for off-street parking.
      3.   If, in the application of the requirements of this Section, a fractional number is obtained, one parking space shall be provided for a fraction of one-half (1/2) or more, and no parking space shall be required for a fraction of less than one-half (1/2).
   E.   Change In Use; Additions And Enlargements: Whenever there is a change in use, or increase in floor area, or other unit of measurement specified herein, and such change, increase, or other unit of measurement is such that it creates a need for an increase in the number of off-street parking spaces by ten percent (10%) or more, such increase in off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the basis of the increased requirements of the new use, or on the basis of the total increase in floor area, or in other units of measurement; provided however, that in case a change in use creates a need for an increase of two (2) or less off-street parking spaces, no additional parking facilities shall be required.
   F.   Remodeling: No additional off-street parking facilities shall be required solely because of the remodeling of an existing use or building, unless there is a change in use or increase in floor area or other unit of measurement as the result of such remodeling for which additional facilities are required in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of this Section.
   G.   Mixed Uses: In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as herein specified for joint use and uses within integrated shopping centers and Central Business District.
   H.   Joint Use: The Planning Director may, upon written application by the owner or lessee of any property, authorize the joint use of parking facilities by the following uses or activities under the conditions specified herein:
      1.   Seventy five percent (75%) of the parking facilities required by this Chapter for a use considered to be primarily a daytime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use, and seventy five percent (75%) of the parking facilities required by this Chapter for a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a daytime use; provided, however, that such parking area shall meet the conditions set forth in subsection H3 of this Section.
      2.   The following uses are typical daytime uses: banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops, manufacturing or wholesale buildings and similar uses. The following uses are typical nighttime uses: dance halls, theaters, auditoriums.
      3.   The following are conditions required for joint use:
         a.   The building or use for which application is being made for authority to utilize the existing off-street parking facilities provided by another building or use, shall be located within two hundred feet (200') of such parking facility.
         b.   The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the building or uses for which the joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed.
         c.   If the building, structure or improvement requiring parking space is in one ownership and the required parking space provided is in another ownership, partially or wholly, there shall be a recording in the office of the County Recorder of a covenant by such owners for the benefit of the City, in a form approved by the City, that such owner or owners will continue to maintain such parking space so long as said building structure or improvement is maintained by said owner within said City. The covenant herein required shall stipulate that the title to and right to use the parcel or parcels upon which the parking space is to be provided will be subservient to the title to the premises upon which the building is to be erected and that said parcel or parcels are not and will not be made subject to any other covenant or contract for use without prior written consent of the City.
   I.   Common Facilities: Common parking facilities may be provided in lieu of the individual requirements contained herein, but such facilities shall be approved by the Planning Commission as to size, shape and relationship to sites to be served. The total of such off-street parking spaces, when used together, shall not be less than the sum required for the various uses computed separately, except as follows:
      1.   Where joint use is allowed.
      2.   When such common parking facility is to occupy a site three thousand (3,000) square feet or more, a fifteen percent (15%) reduction in the total number of spaces shall be permitted.
      3.   Where the provisions of subsection H2 and H3 of this Section shall apply. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)