A.   The Heavy Industrial (IH) District is intended for application to those urban areas of the City which are designated for heavy industrial use in the General Plan.
   B.   Permitted Uses:
      1.   All permitted uses in the IL District, including uses permitted in the CS District.
      2.   Heavy industrial and related uses including:
Aircraft and aircraft accessories and parts manufacture;
Automobile, truck and trailer accessories and parts manufacture;
Bag cleaning;
Battery manufacture;
Boiler works;
Box factories and cooperage;
Breweries, distilleries and wineries;
Building materials manufacture and assembly including composition wallboards, partitions, panels and prefabricated structures;
Business machine manufacture including accounting machines, calculators, cardcounting equipment and typewriters;
Can and metal container manufacture;
Candle manufacture, not including rendering;
Carpet and rug manufacture;
Cement products manufacture provided no hazard of fire or explosion is created, including adhesives, bleaching products, bluing, calcimine, dyestuffs (except aniline dyes), essential oils, soda and soda compounds and vegetable gelatin, glue and size;
Clay products manufacture including brick, fire brick, tile and pipe;
Concrete and concrete products manufacture;
Cotton ginning, cotton wadding, cotton seed processing and linter manufacture;
Firearms manufacture;
Food products manufacture including such processing as cooking, dehydrating, roasting, refining, pasteurization and extracting involved in the preparation of such products as casein, cereal, chocolate and cocoa products, cider and vinegar, coffee, fruits and vegetables, glucose, milk and dairy products, molasses and syrups, oleo/margarine, pickles, sauerkraut, sugar, vegetable oils and yeast;
Glass and glass products manufacture;
Graphite and graphite products manufacture;
Gravel, rock and cement yards;
Ink manufacture;
Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants and similar agricultural, industrial and household chemical compounds manufacture;
Jute, hemp, sisal and oakum products manufacture;
Leather and fur finishing and dyeing, not including tanning and curing;
Machinery manufacture including heavy electrical, agricultural, construction and mining machinery and light machinery and equipment such as air conditioning, commercial motion picture equipment, dishwashers, dryers, furnaces, heaters, refrigerators, stoves and washing machines;
Machine tools manufacture including metal lathers, metal presses, metal stamping machines and woodworking machines;
Meat products processing and packaging, not including slaughtering and glue and size manufacture;
Metal alloys and foil manufacture including solder, pewter, brass, bronze and tin, lead and gold foil;
Metal casting and foundries not including magnesium foundries;
Motor and generator manufacture and testing;
Paper products manufacture including shipping containers, pump goods, carbon paper and coated paper stencils;
Paraffin products manufacture;
Plastic manufacture;
Porcelain products manufacture including bathroom and kitchen fixtures and equipment;
Precious metals reduction, smelting and refining;
Rubber products manufacture including tires and tubes;
Shoe polish manufacture;
Solid waste recycling;
Starch and dextrine manufacturing;
Steam electric generating stations;
Steel products manufacture and assembly including steel cabinets and lockers, doors, fencing and furniture;
Stone products manufacture and stone processing including abrasives, asbestos, stone screening and sand and lime products;
Storage, sorting, collecting or baling of iron, junk, paper, rags, or scrap;
Structural steel products manufacture including bars, girders, rail and wire rope;
Textile bleaching;
Wire and cable manufacturing;
Wood and lumber processing and woodworking including planing mills and saw mills, excelsior, plywood, veneer and wood-preserving treatment;
Other uses which are added to this list by the City Planning Commission in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Chapter 1 of this Title.
      3.   Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use.
   C.   Permitted Uses; Administrative Review:
      1.   Gas and electric transmission lines.
      2.   Expansion, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of single- family dwellings, provided that such continued use will not create a health or safety threat to the inhabitants of the dwelling from noise, odor, dust, or exposure to hazardous conditions, and that continued use of the dwelling will not significantly interfere with the normal operation of businesses currently existing in the industrial district.
      3.   Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a use permitted by administrative approval.
      4.   Mobile and modular offices.
      5.   Hazardous waste treatment equipment which is added to an existing use at the same site shall be subject to CEQA.
   D.   Conditional Uses; Commission Approval:
      1.   The following uses and other uses which involve nuisances, dangers of fire or explosion or other hazards to health and safety, provided that the City Planning Commission shall make a specific finding that the use can be expected to conform with each of the required conditions prescribed for a Heavy Industrial District in Section 11-13-6 of this Chapter. The Commission may require submission of reports by technical consultants or other evidence in addition to the data prescribed in Chapter 19 of this Title.
Asphalt and asphalt products manufacture;
Cement, lime, gypsum and plaster of paris manufacture;
Charcoal, lampblack and fuel briquettes manufacture;
Chemical products manufacture including acetylene, aniline dyes, ammonia, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, cleaning and polishing preparations, creosote, exterminating agents, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrating of cotton or other materials, nitrates of an explosive nature, potash, pyroxlin, rayon yarn, and carbolic, hydrochloric, picric and sulfuric acids;
Coal, coke and tar products manufacture;
Drop forges;
Dumps and slag piles;
Electroplating shops;
Explosives manufacture and storage;
Film manufacture;
Fireworks manufacture and storage;
Fish products processing and packaging;
Garbage and refuse dumps;
Gas and oil wells;
Gelatin glue and size manufacture from animal or fish refuse;
Grain rolling and storage;
Hazardous waste management facilities, including transfer, storage, treatment, and disposal facilities, or combinations thereof;
Incineration and reduction of garbage, offal and dead animals;
Lard manufacture;
Linoleum and oil cloth manufacture;
Liquefied petroleum gas bulk storage and delivery;
Magnesium foundries;
Manure, peat and topsoil processing and storage;
Motor vehicles wrecking yards;
Paint manufacture including enamel, lacquer, shellac, turpentine and varnish;
Paper mills;
Petroleum and petroleum products and refining and storage;
Rifle and pistol ranges;
Rubber manufacture or processing including natural or synthetic rubber and gutta-percha;
Soap manufacture including fat rendering;
Steam plants;
Stockyards, stock feeding yards and slaughterhouses;
Stone quarries, gravel pits, mines and stone mills;
Storage of inflammable liquids;
Storage of used building materials;
Tallow manufacture;
Tanneries and curing and storage of rawhides;
Wood and bones distillation;
Wood pulp and fiber reduction and processing.
      2.   Public buildings and grounds.
      3.   Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)