A.   Use Of Collection Service Required: All dwellings, apartment houses, and places of business in which solid waste accumulates within the city or service areas in the county of Kings utilizing city provided municipal services (hereinafter "city service area"), including, but not limited to, water, sewer, refuse and others as provided by the city of Corcoran, shall be required as a condition to these services being made available to them to use the solid waste collection service of the city or a duly permitted collector and to pay the charges set forth in this chapter.
   B.   Separate Recyclables:
      1.   All residential customers within the city service area shall be provided with once a week recyclables container services by the authorized agent in accordance with instructions; residential customers shall separate and place recyclables curbside, or in other recyclables bin container locations as approved and directed by the city, for collection. All persons using the city solid waste collection service or a duly permitted collector shall separate recyclables from all other solid waste produced at their premises.
      2.   An owner, landlord or agent of an owner or landlord of a multi-family rental property with three (3) or more units on single water service, shall comply with its separation responsibilities by establishing a collection and storage system for separated recyclables at each premises.
      3.   Any failure by a residential customer, owner, landlord or agent of an owner to properly separate recyclables from other waste and/or comply with the requirements of subsection B1 or B2 of this section, as relevant, may result in certain fines and/or administrative penalties, as set forth in section 4-2-12 of this chapter. (Ord. 582, 3-23-2005)
   C.   Placement Of Containers For Collection; City Control: Solid waste, when placed out in appropriate containers for collection shall be deemed under control of the city. (Ord. 513, 11-21-1994)
   D.   Greenwaste Bin Containers:
      1.   All residential customers within the city service area shall be provided with once a week greenwaste container services by the city's authorized agent. In accordance with instructions received from the city and/or its authorized agent, residential customers shall separate and place greenwaste curbside, or in other greenwaste bin container locations as approved and directed by the city for collection. (Ord. 582, 3-23-2005)
      2.   It shall be unlawful for any nonresidential customer to deposit greenwaste into any container designated as a "residential greenwaste container" by the city.
      3.   For purposes of this section, "residential customer" means all single- and multi-family and mobile home park residences within the city limits. "Nonresidential customer" means all customers not classified as a residential customer, including businesses and/or individuals engaged in tree trimming and/or lawncare services for monetary compensation. (Ord. 556, 2-5-2002)