Utilities and street improvements shall be provided in each new subdivision in accordance with the following schedule:
1.   Industrial, Commercial and Institutional. Utility and street improvements on industrial, commercial and institutional subdivisions as required by the Council with the advice of the City Engineer, provided, however, that in no case will the requirements be less than required for a residential subdivision.
2.   Residential. Utility and street improvements for residential subdivisions in accordance with the following:
   A.   Water Supply. Public water supply is required within the corporate limits, where feasible; public or private water supply as approved by the State Health Department outside the City limits but within the area of subdivision jurisdiction.
      (1)   The Council with the advice of its appointed officers shall define “where feasible” regarding the requirement of public water supply for residential subdivisions and payment therefor.
      (2)   In the event public water supply is determined “not feasible,” the Council may approve by a minimum of a three-quarters majority vote of the entire Council, a private or association-type water facility supply which may be subject to one or more of the following conditions:
         a.   City approval of the water facility site.
         b.   City approval of the type of water facility.
         c.   City approval and inspection of the proposed plans, specifications and construction of the water facility and system.
         d.   City ownership of the water facility and/or the water system after construction or at a later date.
         e.   City supervision of operation and maintenance of the water facility and system, including provision for payment for said supervision.
         f.   Execution of a contract or agreement, that may run with the land, for payment by special assessment or other means for the total project cost of the extending of City lines and facilities necessary to supply public water at a later date.
      (3)   The requirements, conditions and provisions contained in this section shall in no way circumvent or negate applicable County, State or Federal requirements.
      (4)   The Council may require the over-sizing of the water facility and/or system to allow greater capacity for additional users, and in said event, there shall be an arrangement or an agreement whereby the developer will be reimbursed in a satisfactory manner or procedure for said over-sizing.
   B.   Sewage Disposal. Connection to the public sanitary sewer system is required within the corporate limits “where feasible;” private sewage disposal as approved by the State Health Department outside the City limits, but within the area of subdivision jurisdiction.
      (1)   The Council with the advice of its appointed officers shall define “where feasible” regarding the requirement of public sanitary sewage treatment facility for residential subdivisions and payment therefor.
      (2)   In the event public sanitary sewage treatment facility is determined “not feasible,” the Council may approve by a minimum of a three-quarters majority vote of the entire Council, a private or association-type sanitary sewage treatment facility and system which may be subject to one or more of the following conditions:
         a.   City approval of the sanitary sewage treatment facility site.
         b.   City approval of the type of sanitary sewage treatment facility.
         c.   City approval and inspection of the proposed plans, specifications and construction of the sanitary sewage treatment facility and system.
         d.   City ownership of the sanitary sewage treatment facility and/or system after construction or at a later date.
         e.   City supervision of operation and maintenance of the sanitary sewage treatment facility and system, including provision for payment for said supervision.
         f.   Execution of a contract or agreement, that may run with the land, for payment by special assessment or other means for the total project cost of the extending of City lines and facilities necessary to supply public sanitary sewage treatment at a later date.
      (3)   The Council may require the over-sizing of the sanitary sewage treatment facility and/or system to allow greater capacity for additional users, and in said event, there shall be an arrangement or an agreement whereby the developer will be reimbursed in a satisfactory manner or procedure for said over-sizing.
      (4)   The requirements, conditions and provisions contained in this section shall in no way circumvent or negate applicable County, State or Federal requirements.
   C.   Storm Drainage. Surface drainage shall be provided for in approved paved gutters, grass swales or piped underground channels; construction, capacity and flow of which are approved by the City Engineer. Street grades shall meet the foregoing design requirements and shall be approved in profile and cross section by the City Engineer. Storm water management is required for all new subdivisions and resubdivisions of larger than three acres for residential developments and two acres for commercial and industrial developments. See the Design Standards for Public Works Improvements for details.
   D.   Street Right-of-Way, Pavement, Curb and Gutter. The subdivider shall be responsible for the provisions of right-of-way and pavement to widths outlined in these standards for travel-ways classified as “collector” and “local roads” and sidewalk, curb and gutter for travel-ways classified as “streets.” All such street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications contained in the City’s Design Standards for Public Works Improvements.
   E.   Arterial Streets. “Arterial streets” planned for an area proposed to be subdivided shall be accommodated by the maintenance of a building-free area, of adequate width and general alignment for the planned arterial street; furthermore, buildings constructed adjacent to such proposed “arterial road” or street shall be not closer to the proposed alignment than the rear or side yard distances of the appropriate zoning provision.
   F.   Building Setbacks. Building setbacks on existing streets or roads on which the right-of-way width is indicated to be below the minimum standard such yard shall be measured from the edge of the proposed width. (In effect, the setback will be increased by one-half the distance the right-of-way is below standard.)
   G.   Planting Strips. Planting strips in roadways shall be approved as to gradient, drainage and surface treatment.
   H.   Street Name Signs. Street name signs conforming to the standard for the City shall be provided at all intersections.
3.   Underground Electrical Facilities Required. All street lights and all electrical facilities provided as new installations to serve any structure serving as a dwelling unit, commercial establishment or storage structure or any combination thereof in any new subdivision must be provided underground. However, the requirements of this subsection do not apply to electrical transmission circuits, main electrical distribution feeder circuits, above-ground service terminals and pad-mounted facilities normally used as a part of underground distribution systems and further does not apply wherein new subdivision lots abut an existing development with an existing overhead circuit so located that the abutting lots in the new development would normally be served from this existing line then the new structures on the abutting lots can be serviced from the overhead line provided the services are installed underground. Further, street lights on decorative poles, stanchions or mountings are permissible, however, the service thereto must be underground. In any event, reliance upon any exceptions as set out in this section shall require prior approval of the Council.