Street trees may be planted in hard surface (i.e. concrete, asphalt) street parkings provided they are a minimum of four (4) feet from the inside edge of the curb, and that before any street tree may be planted, the owner of the property abutting said parking must first make application for and secure a permit from the City Forester as hereinafter provided. A conceptual plan showing planting design in relation to the surrounding area, i.e. city square, shopping mall, may also be required. The City may plant trees in this area at the direction of the City Forester. Application data shall include:
1.   Local address of the applicant’s property which abuts the street parking upon which a permit to plant is sought.
2.   The species, which must be taken from the List of Recommended Trees for Coralville or as permitted by the City Forester, number, height, and trunk diameter of each tree proposed to be planted.
3.   Any additional information which the Forester shall deem reasonably necessary to enable the making of a fair determination of whether or not a permit should be issued hereunder.
The Forester may, after review and consideration of an application as above required, issue a permit to the applicant. Any such permit issued shall be to plant trees in strict compliance with the terms and provisions of this chapter. A copy of the application and plan or drawing as finally approved by the Forester shall be kept on file in the office of the Forester. All such permits shall be issued upon the express condition that they may be revoked at any time by the Forester and that all trees planted pursuant to said permit may be removed by the City without liability to any person or property for such removal. No such permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have executed and filed with the Forester, an indemnification agreement whereby said applicant agrees to save and hold harmless the City from any and all liability for damage or injury to person or property proximately caused by trees planted, moved or removed pursuant to said permit. All street trees shall be planted within one hundred twenty (120) days after approval unless an extension is requested in writing by the applicant and approved by the Forester. An extension of one year can be granted for good reasons. If the one hundred twenty (120) days elapse without an extension granted a new permit with fee shall be required to plant street trees. A fifteen dollar ($15.00) permit fee shall be paid prior to application approval.