(A)   Special boards and commissions must follow all of the criteria under §§ 32.01 through 32.06 and §§ 32.20 through 32.25 with the following exceptions.
   (B)   The Strategic Planning and Economic Development Commission.
      (1)   The purpose of the Commission is to guide the implementation of the Coolidge Focused Future Strategic Plan, to supplement the Plan and keep it up to date, to advise the City Council on economic development activities, and to recommend to the City Council needed ordinance and rule changes and courses of action.
      (2)   Membership shall consist of nine members.
      (3)   No more than two members of this Commission may serve concurrently on another City commission or board appointed by Council, or serve concurrently on the City Council, so long as no more than one such person from any other one commission, board, or Council serves on this Commission at any time.
      (4)   Five members of this Commission shall be bona fide residents of the City; and four members may be bona fide residents of the City; or own a legitimate and operational business within the City; or have a profession and/or interest in the City that would have a positive impact on the Commission’s goals and objectives.
      (5)   Appointment to the Strategic Planning and Economic Development Commission shall be for terms as follows:
         (a)   Four members for three years; and
         (b)   Five members for two years.
      (6)   The Commission may create sub-committees of three members, standing or special, as it deems necessary to advise on certain issues.
      (7)   Any such committees created by the Strategic Planning and Economic Development Commission shall be responsible to the Commission and shall function in an advisory capacity to the Commission.
(Prior Code, § 4-3-1) (Ord. 99-19, passed 12-13-1999; Ord. 01-04, passed 2-12-2001; Ord. 03-02, passed 1-27-2003)