(A)   The Building Official shall review all building permit applications for new construction or substantial improvements to determine whether the proposed site will be reasonably safe from flooding and if the site will retain storm water. If it is determined that there is a potential flood hazard, the construction shall conform to the provisions of this chapter to minimize flood damage.
   (B)   As it concerns storm water, the following provisions shall be applicable before a building permit is issued for construction in a subdivision, a manufactured home subdivision, or manufactured home park created after the effective date of this chapter or for construction on any commercially or industrially zoned parcel of land consisting of more than 25,000 square feet in area.
      (1)   All water, except that in excess of a 50-year storm of a 24-hour duration (approximately three inches), which falls within a subdivision, or manufactured home park created after the effective date of this chapter, or on any commercially or industrially zoned parcel of land consisting of more than 25,000 square feet in area must be retained within said parcels of real property unless prior approval has been given by the Floodplain Commission for alternate means of water retention and the method of collection and retention has been approved by the City Engineer. Where prior drainage easements or covenants exist for taking of off-site water, retention of the same shall also be provided.
      (2)   The design capacity of all retention basins will be determined by the peak runoff from the affected drainage area(s) resulting from the 100-year frequency storm. Drywells may be used in lieu of retention basins for smaller drainage areas if the design is approved by the City Engineer.
      (3)   The design of all suitable fencing or other security measures to minimize exposure to local residents to flowing or standing storm water in the basins shall be approved by the Building Official and City Engineer, and in no case shall the security fencing exceed eight feet in height.
(Prior Code, § 18-1-6) (Ord. 98-01, passed 1-12-1998)