9-1203. Application for permit.
   Applicants applying for a permit under this chapter shall file a sworn, written application with the city clerk's office containing the following information and such other pertinent information as may be required:
   (1)   Name, date of birth, and social security number.
   (2)   Driver's license or other personal identification.
   (3)   Home address.
   (4)   Local address, if different from home address.
   (5)   Name, address and phone number of corporation, company, or organization the applicant is representing.
   (6)   A copy of a "Tennessee Certificate of Registration" for the collection of state and local sales or use taxes for sale of tangible personal property or taxable services for customers.
   (7)   A copy of a valid business license issued in Tennessee.
   (8)   A description of the nature of the business and the goods to be sold.
   (9)   A description of the vehicle being used while in operation, including make and model, license plate number, copy of valid vehicle liability insurance certificate, and county of registration.
   (10)   The starting date and ending date of operation of the business for a thirty (30) day permit.
   (11)   A copy of the current health inspection, if required by the Tennessee Department of Health for operation of Food Service Establishments.
   (12)   Applicants must submit a spill response plan for approval by the Public Works Department.
   (13)   All mobile food units shall be inspected and approved by the Cookeville Codes Department.
(as added by Ord. #O16-10-23, March 2017, as replaced by Ord. #O18-10-30, November, 2018)