19-223. Rate schedules definitions.1
1   The provisions of §§ 19-220, 19-221, and 19-222 are taken from Ord. #93116, September 1993. Section IV of Ord. #93116, states "It is further ordained that this ordinance shall become effective with all bills for gas service rendered after September 25, 1993, the public welfare requiring it."
   The following definitions shall apply to the terms as used in these rate schedules for gas service. Any term used in these rate schedules that is not otherwise defined in this section shall have the meaning customarily ascribed to that term in the natural gas industry.
   (1)   "Minimum bill." A monthly charge assessed to all customers to partially offset the overhead and administration costs for serving a customer, regardless of the amount of gas used.
   (2)   "Commodity charge." Charges based on the amount of gas used that reflect all the costs involved in obtaining the gas supply and operating and maintaining the gas distribution system.
   (3)   "Purchased gas adjustment." An adjustment to the commodity charge of the Cookeville Gas Department to reflect the changes in the cost of obtaining gas supplies until the next change in the cost of gas occurs. This adjustment may be either in increase or decrease in the commodity charge.
   (4)   "Transportation and overhead." The charges paid to the Cookeville Gas Department by customers who purchase gas on an interruptible Rate Schedule (G-5). This charge includes the cost of delivering the gas to the customer, meter reading, billing, collection, maintenance of mains and meters, administration costs, depreciation and markup.
   (5)   "Unauthorized overrun charge/penalty." Charges imposed on customers purchasing gas on an interruptible rate schedule to recover the cost of gas in used in excess of the amount authorized when a curtailment is in effect.
   (6)   "Firm rate schedules." Gas sold to customers who are not subject to curtailment of service except under emergency conditions.
   (7)   "Maximum daily quantity." The maximum amount of gas the transmission pipelines are obligated to supply on any given day without penalty charges.
   (8)   "Load factor." The average daily use of natural gas on an annual basis as a percentage of the maximum use of gas on any day of the year.
   (9)   "Base retail gas rates." The commodity charge for each class of service as established for gas usage on the effective data of this code amendment. These rates shall be the basis for all adjustments under the PGA until this code section is further amended.
   (10)   "Demand charges." All gas costs related to system capacity based on the right of the Cookeville Gas Department to demand gas or transportation on a daily or seasonal peak and all reserve dedication charges (e.g., reservation fees and gas inventory charges).
   (11)   "Storage costs." Those charges associated with replacing gas in storage during the summer months in order to have it available for withdrawal when needed during the winter months.
   (12)   "LNG (liquified natural gas)." Natural gas which has been liquified and placed in above ground storage tanks during the summer months in order to have it available for withdrawal when needed during the winter months.
   (13)   "PA (propane-air)." Liquified propane which has been vaporized and mixed with the proper proportion of air to make it compatible with natural gas and available for injection into the natural gas distribution system as needed during the winter months.
   (14)   "Nominating and balancing." The process of notifying the transmission pipelines of the amount of natural gas to be delivered each day and monitoring the amount delivered to make certain the deliveries match the usage each day.
   (15)   "Order 636 charges." The various charges implemented by the transmission pipelines to comply with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order No. 636 which required the pipelines to cease supplying natural gas and become a transporter only.
(1970 Code, § 13-225.1, as amended by Ord. #002-06-016, June 2002)