SECTION 6.07. Procedure for Adoption of Bond Ordinance: Publication of Notice.
   Be it further enacted, That the procedure for adoption of a bond ordinance under this Act shall be the same as provided in this Act for other ordinances, except as may be hereinafter provided. After its final adoption the city clerk shall publish the following notice in the official city newspaper in the same issue of the newspaper in which an abstract of the ordinance is published:
   "NOTICE: The bond ordinance, an abstract of which is published herewith, has been finally adopted, and the twenty day period of limitation within which a suit, action, or proceeding questioning the validity of such ordinance can be commenced, as provided in the city charter, has begun to run from the date of the publication of this notice. (Signed by city clerk)" [As replaced by Priv. Acts 1963, ch. 74, § 5]