15-113. Powers and duties of the city manager relative to the traffic regulations in general.
   The city manager, except as otherwise directed by this chapter and except as otherwise directed from time to time by the city council, shall have power and he is hereby authorized to regulate the operation and parking of vehicles within the corporate limits of the city by the erection or placing of proper signs or markers indicating prohibited or limited parking, restricted speed areas, through or arterial streets, stop streets, "U" turns, play streets, school zones, hospital zones, loading and unloading zones, quiet zones and other signs or markers indicating the place and manner of operating or parking vehicles within the corporate limits of the city. The city manager shall also have power and he is hereby authorized to designate truck routes and to regulate the parking of vehicles of various sizes and weights. The city manager shall further have power and he is hereby authorized to cause all such necessary signs or markers to be erected or placed on any street or part of a street when he deems such action necessary.
   The city manager is further empowered and authorized to mark off traffic lanes on streets and parts of streets indicating and directing the flow of traffic, when, in his judgment, such action is necessary.
   The experience of such signs or markers at any place within the corporate limits of the city shall be prima facie evidence that such signs or markers were erected or placed by and at the direction of the city manager and in accordance with the provisions of this section.
   Any person failing or refusing to comply with the directions indicated on any sign or marker erected or placed in accordance with the provisions of this section when so placed or erected shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(1970 Code, § 9-121)