14-903. General requirements and procedures.
   (1)   Any person requesting to use a spring as a drinking water source for new residential or commercial construction or requiring the installation of a water well in the City of Cookeville shall make application for permit to the department.
   (2)   A permit may be obtained from the department, and if granted, such permit shall be in force and in effect for one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of its issuance. If work has not commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days of issuance, an extension may be granted by the department upon request by the applicant. In addition, the Tennessee Water Well Act 1 requires that a Notice of lntent (NOI) be submitted to the Tennessee Division of Water Supply, Water Well Program. A copy of the NOI shall be included with the well application to the department.
   (3)   The department shall issue a notice of rejection whenever it determines that an application for a permit fails to meet the requirements of these rules and regulations, or any rules, order, regulation or standard adopted pursuant thereto; or, if it is determined by the department that an adequate water supply is otherwise available to the premise without the need to construct a well or use a spring
(as added by Ord. #08-06-11, July 2008)
1   State law reference
   Tennessee Code Annotated, § 69-10-111