Be it further enacted, That the city may use any or all of the following procedures for the collection of delinquent taxes, as may be provided by ordinance:
(a) Distress warrants. The director of finance may issue original attachments, to be executed by any police officer of the city, for the sale of goods. and chattels to enforce the payments of delinquent property taxes due the city, against persons owning such property on the assessment date, and the director of finance may also issue alias and pluries summonses. The levy upon and sale of such goods and chattels shall be governed by the laws providing for execution of such process from a justice of the peace.
(b) Collection by garnishment. The director of finance may proceed by garnishment in accordance with the provisions of section 67-1308, Tennessee Code Annotated.
(c) Collection by county trustees. The director of finance may certify to the county trustee a list of property upon which city property taxes are delinquent, or which is liable for sale for other delinquent taxes, and such property shall be sold in like manner and upon the same terms and conditions as property is sold for delinquent state and county taxes. The county trustee shall remit the proceeds due the city to the department of finance.
(d) Collection by city attorney. The director of finance may certify to the city attorney a list of property on which city property taxes or other taxes are delinquent, and such property shall be sold for such taxes in like manner and upon the same terms and conditions as property is sold for delinquent state and county taxes.
(e) Suits in chancery. The city attorney may proceed to collect delinquent city taxes as provided by section 6-704 to 6-708, inclusive, Tennessee Code Annotated, or by any other means authorized by law.