14-802. Definitions.
For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply: Words used in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include the singular; words used in the present tense shall include the future tense. The words “shall” and “will” are mandatory and not discretionary. The word "may" is permissive. Words not defined in this section shall be construed to have the meaning given by common and ordinary use as defined in the latest edition of Webster's Dictionary.
   "BMPs" or "Best Management practices" are physical, structural and/or managerial practices that, when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce pollution of water, that have been approved by the City of Cookeville, and that have been incorporated by reference into the city stormwater ordinances. [Note: see § 14-704(1) for recommended BMP manual.]
   "Channel" means a natural watercourse with a definite bed and banks that conducts flowing water continuously or periodically.
   "Dumping" means the introduction of material into the riparian buffer zone which could wash into the stream or otherwise cause contamination of the stream.
   "Filling" means the deposit of earth by artificial means.
   "Grading" means the operation of raising or lowering the ground surface to a predetermined elevation datum.
   "Impervious" means not allowing the passage of water through the surface of the ground or ground covering, or a substantial reduction in the capacity for water to pass through the surface of the ground or ground covering.
   "Right-of-way" is land over which a road, railroad, etc. passes.
   "Riparian" relating to, or living on the bank of a river, stream, lake, wetland, etc.
   "Riparian buffer" is an undisturbed area, measured from top of bank of water resource, which consists of a riparian zone comprised of native vegetation, original or re-established, bordering streams, ponds, wetlands, springs, reservoirs or lakes or other water resources designated by the state as requiring a riparian buffer.
   "Stabilize" means to provide adequate measures, vegetative and/or structural, that will prevent erosion from occurring.
   "Stream" is a linear surface water that is not a wet-weather conveyance as determined by a qualified hydrological professional.
   "Stripping" means the removal of existing vegetation or soils.
   "Wet weather conveyance" is a man-made or natural watercourse, including natural watercourses that have been modified by channelization, that flow only in direct response to precipitation runoff in their immediate locality, whose channels are above the groundwater table and which do not support fish and aquatic life and are not suitable for drinking water supplies, and in which hydrological and biological analysis indicate that, under normal weather conditions, due to naturally occurring ephemeral or low flow there is not sufficient water to support fish, or multiple populations of obligate lotic aquatic organisms whose life cycle includes an aquatic phase of at least two (2) months. Determination of what channels are wet weather conveyances may be made by a qualified hydrological professional.
   "Wetlands" are those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency or duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support a prevalence of vegetation typical to life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include, but are not limited to, swamps, bogs and similar areas. Wetlands are designated by federal or state organizations with this responsibility.
(as added by Ord. #08-01-02, Feb. 2008, and amended by Ord. #015-01-01, February 2015, and Ord. #O24-06-18, July 2024)