SECTION 5.07. Powers and Duties of the City Assessor.
   Be it further enacted, That the city assessor shall have the following powers and duties, subject to supervision and control by the city manager or if so delegated to the director of finance:
      (a)   To assess all real, personal, and mixed property, except that of public service companies assessed by a state agency, within the corporate limits and subject to taxation by the city.
      (b)   To maintain adequate records showing all assessments made and data pertinent thereto.
      (c)   To prepare an assessment roll showing the assessment for each taxpayer and for each parcel of real estate in such form as the director of finance shall determine.
      (d)   To act as secretary to the board of equalization and to perform such duties as it may require.
      (e)   To perform such other duties as may be required by this Act, by ordinances not inconsistent with this Act, or by the city manager or director of finance not inconsistent with this Act or ordinances.