14-605. Unlawful to alter or obstruct the natural storm water drainage system without approval from the public works department.
   It shall be unlawful for any property owner to cause or allow any alteration of any portion of the natural storm drainage system in any manner or form which could hinder or impede the flow of water into or through said system without first obtaining approval from the public works department. Information provided to the public works department for the proposed alterations must include a description of the proposed changes and may include such drainage calculations as shall be necessary to document to the director of public works that the carrying capacity of the natural storm water drainage system will not be diminished by said modifications to a capacity less than required to convey a 100-year rainfall event, assuming one-hundred percent (100%) development of the drainage basin.
(1970 Code, § 4-1105, modified, as amended by Ord. #O16-09-21, November 2016)