9-1006. Registration of purchases.
   (1)   Any retail establishment that sells or delivers, or attempts to sell or deliver, to a person any product containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine whether as the sole active ingredient or in combination products that have less than therapeutically significant quantities of other active ingredients, shall require such person to show proper identification and to sign a register.
   (2)   The register described in subsection (1) shall be created by any retail establishment that sells a product or products described in subsection (1) and shall require at least the following information:
      (a)   The specific quantity of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine purchased;
      (b)   The signature of the purchaser;
      (c)   The name and residential or mailing address of the purchaser; other than a post office box number;
      (d)   The number of the purchaser's motor vehicle operator's license or other proper identification at the time of the purchase;
      (e)   The date of such purchase; and
      (f)   The signature of an employee of the retail establishment as witness to the purchase and identification of the purchaser.
   (3)   The retail establishment shall retain each original register for three (3) years in a readily presentable and readable manner, and present the register upon demand by any law enforcement officer or authorized representative of the district attorney general's office.
   (4)   As used in this section, "proper identification" means a valid motor vehicle operator's license or other official and valid state-issued identification of the purchaser that contains a photograph of the purchaser.
   (5)   This section shall not apply to the sell or delivery of any product containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine by a licensed pharmacy upon a pharmacist making a good faith determination that the purchase of the product is for a legitimate medical purpose
(as added by Ord. #003-05-10, June 2003)