9-901. To be furnished under franchise.
   Cable television shall be furnished to the City of Cookeville and its inhabitants under franchise granted by the City Council of the City of Cookeville, Tennessee. The rights, powers, duties and obligations of the City of Cookeville and its inhabitants are clearly stated in the franchise agreement executed by, and which shall be binding upon the parties concerned. 1
1   For complete details relating to the cable television franchise agreement see Ord. #545, as amended by Ord. #1023, in the office of the city clerk. See the assignment executed on April 19, 1967, also of record in the city clerk's office.
   See also Ord. #094-12-34, Jan. 1995, as amended by Ord. #099-07-17, Sept. 1999, of record in the city clerk's office granting to Rifkin/Tennessee, Ltd. the right to operate a cable television system in the City of Cookeville.