9-711. Persons exempted from chapter.
   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to or affect the following:
   (1)   Persons selling goods pursuant to an order of process of a court of competent jurisdiction.
   (2)   Persons acting in accordance with their powers and duties as public officials.
   (3)   Any sale conducted by any merchant or mercantile or other business establishment on a regular, day-to-day basis from or at the place of business wherein such sale would be permitted by the City of Cookeville Zoning Code, or under the protection of the nonconforming use section thereof, or any other sale conducted by a manufacturer, dealer or vendor in which sale would be conducted from properly zoned premises, and not otherwise prohibited by other ordinances.
   (4)   Any sale conducted in a non-residential zoning district by any bona fide non-profit, charitable, eleemosynary, educational, cultural or governmental institution or organization; provided, however, that the burden of establishing the exemption under this subsection shall be on the organization or institution claiming such exemption.
(Ord. #002-07-22, Sept. 2002)