SECTION 1.05. Corporate Powers.
   Be, it further enacted, That the corporate powers of the city, to be exercised by the city council, shall include the following:
      (a)   To levy and provide for the assessment and collection of taxes on all property subject to taxation.
      (b)   To levy and provide for the collection of license taxes on privileges, occupations, trades, and professions. A collection fee of One Dollar ($1) may be added to each such license tax.
      (c)   To contract with persons, firms, or corporations who own and rent property outside the corporate limits of the CITY OF COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE, for fire protection from the Fire Department of COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE, for such property upon the terms and conditions as the City Council in its discretion best serves the public interest of the community. In answering any such calls for fire protection contracted for, the CITY OF COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE, and its officers and employees shall be considered as acting in a governmental capacity and while engaged in any duty or activity in connection with the provisions of any such contract, the officers and employees of the CITY OF COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE, shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, exemption, and immunities as if such duty or activity were performed within the corporate limits of the CITY OF COOKEVILLE, TENNESSEE.
      (d)   To appropriate and borrow money as authorized by this Act or by other law.
      (e)   To acquire, dispose of, and hold in trust or otherwise any real, personal, or mixed property, inside or outside the city.
      (f)   To condemn property, inside or outside the city, for present or future use, under sections 23-1401 to 23-1541 of the Tennessee Code Annotated, or under other applicable public acts.
      (g)   To acquire, operate, maintain, and dispose of public utilities, subject to other provisions of this Act and other applicable general laws.
      (h)   To grant franchises or make contracts for public utilities and public services, not to exceed a period of twenty years. The council may prescribe the rates, fares, charges, regulations, and standards and conditions of service to be provided by the franchise grantee or contractor.
      (i)   To regulate the rates and services of public utilities in so far as not in conflict with such regulation by the Tennessee Public Service Commission or other similar state or federal agency having jurisdiction in such matters.
      (j)   To provide for the acquisition, construction, building, operation, and maintenance of public ways, parks, public grounds, cemeteries, markets, and market houses, public buildings, libraries, sewers, drains, sewage treatment plants, airports, hospitals, and charitable, educational, recreational, sport, curative, corrective, detentional, penal, and medical institutions, agencies, and facilities, and any other public improvements, inside or outside the city, and to regulate the use thereof, and for such purposes property may be taken under sections 23-1401 to 23-1541 and 6-1007 to 6-1011, inclusive, of the Tennessee Code Annotated, or other applicable public acts.
      (k)   To require real estate owners to repair and maintain in a safe condition the sidewalks adjoining their lots or lands. A real estate owner shall be liable for any injury or damage sustained by reason of a defective sidewalk adjoining his lot or land.
      (l)   To prescribe standards of health and sanitation and to provide for the enforcement of such standards.
      (m)   To provide for the collection and disposal of garbage, rubbish, refuse. Charges may be imposed to cover the costs of such service which, if unpaid, shall constitute a lien against any property of persons served, which lien shall be second in priority only to liens for county and city property taxes and shall be enforceable in the same manner and under the same remedies as a lien for city property taxes.
      (n)   To define, regulate, and prohibit any act, practice, conduct, or use of property, detrimental, or likely to be detrimental, to the health, morals, safety, security, peace, convenience, or general welfare of inhabitants of the city.
      (o)   To establish minimum standards for and to regulate building construction and repair, electrical wiring and equipment, gas installations and equipment, plumbing, and housing, for the health, sanitation, cleanliness, and safety of the inhabitants of the city, and to provide for the enforcement of such standards.
      (p)   To regulate and license weights and measures.
      (q)   To provide that persons given jail sentences in the city court shall work out such sentences on the streets or any public works of the city or in a city workhouse established for such purpose, as provided by ordinance; or the council may provide for the commitment of city prisoners to the county workhouse or jail by agreement with the appropriate county officers.
      (r)   To regulate and license or prohibit the keeping or running at large of animals and fowls, and to provide for the impoundment of same in violation of any ordinance or lawful order and for their disposition by sale, gift, or humane killing when not redeemed as provided by ordinance.
      (s)   To regulate and license vehicles operated for hire in the city, to limit the number of such vehicles, to require the operators thereof to be licensed, to require public liability insurance on such vehicles in amounts prescribed by ordinance, and to regulate and rent parking spaces in public ways for the use of such vehicles.
      (t)   To levy and provide for the collection of special assessments for public improvements.
      (u)   To provide that the violation of any ordinance, rule, regulation, or order shall be punishable as a misdemeanor.
      (v)   To exercise and have all other powers, functions, rights, privileges, and immunities necessary or desirable to promote or protect the safety, health, peace, security, good order, comfort, convenience, morals, and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, and all implied powers necessary to carry into execution all powers granted in this Act as fully and completely as if such powers were fully enumerated herein. No enumeration of particular powers in this Act shall be held to be exclusive of others nor restrictive of general words and phrases granting powers, but shall be held to be in addition to such powers unless expressly prohibited to cities under the constitution or applicable public laws of the state. [As amended by Priv. Acts 2007, ch. 45, § 1]