A.   Application For Humane Destruction: No earlier than five (5) days' after notice of impoundment has been given, the animal control officer may make written application to the city court for an order authorizing the humane destruction of an animal in the custody, control and supervision of the animal control officer. An application under this section shall be made under oath and specifically set forth the following:
      1.   A description of the animal sought to be destroyed;
      2.   That the animal control officer has exercised his duty to seek out and confirm ownership of the unclaimed animal, including providing notice as provided herein; and
      3.   That to the best of his knowledge and belief, the animal control officer is unaware of the owner of the unclaimed animal.
   B.   Order For Humane Destruction: An order for the humane destruction of an animal shall be effective for a period of ten (10) days. If the unclaimed animal has not been humanely destroyed in that time period, the animal may not be destroyed without further court order, as provided herein. (Ord. 379, 7-21-2003; amd. 2015 Code; Ord. 417, 2-16-2021, eff. 3-18-2021)