(A)   At the discretion of the control authority, the control authority may use general permits to control significant industrial users or other users, discharges to the POTW if the following conditions are met. All facilities to be covered by a general permit must:
      (1)   Involve the same or substantially similar types of operations;
      (2)   Discharge the same types of wastes;
      (3)   Require the same effluent limitations;
      (4)   Require the same or similar monitoring; and
      (5)   In the opinion of the control authority, are more appropriately controlled under a general permit than under individual wastewater discharge permits.
   (B)   To be covered by the general permit, the user must file a written request for coverage that identifies its contact information, production processes, the types of wastes generated, the location for monitoring all wastes covered by the general permit, any requests with in accordance with § 51.045(A)(4) for a monitoring waiver for a pollutant neither present nor expected to be present in the discharge, and any other information the control authority deems appropriate. A monitoring waiver for a pollutant neither present nor expected to be present in the discharge is not effective in the general permit until after the control authority has provided written notice to the user that such a waiver request has been granted in accordance with § 51.045(A)(4).
   (C)   The control authority will retain a copy of the general permit, documentation to support the control authority's determination that a specific user meets the criteria in division (A)(1) through (5) above and applicable state regulations, and a copy of the user's written request for coverage for coverage for no less than three years after the expiration of the general permit.
   (D)   The control authority may not control an SIU through a general permit where the facility is subject to production-based categorical pretreatment standards or categorical pretreatment standards expressed as mass of pollutant discharge per day or for users whose limits are based on the combined wastestream formula in accordance with 40 CFR 403.6(e) or net/gross calculations (§ 51.044(B)).
(Ord. 6386, passed 3-20-17)