(A)   The Commission shall be concerned with those elements of development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and preservation that affect visual quality in a historic district, which include but are not limited to view sheds, landscapes, and streetscapes of historic importance. The Commission may not consider details of design, interior arrangements, or building features if those details, arrangements, or features are not subject to public view and may not make any requirement except for the purpose of preventing development, alteration, or demolition in the historic district obviously incongruous with the historic district.
   (B)   The Commission shall conduct surveys and establish historic districts in accordance with the provisions of § 155.04 of this chapter.
   (C)   The Commission may adopt preservation guidelines for architectural review. If adopted, preservation guidelines shall be published and made readily accessible to the general public.
   (D)   The Commission has the authority to receive funds in order to promote its stated purpose.
   (E)   The Commission shall promote public interest in historic preservation by initiating and carrying on a public relations and community education program.
   (F)   The Commission, through this chapter, may:
      (1)   Acquire by purchase, gift, grant, bequest, devise, or lease any real or personal property, including easements, that is appropriate for carrying out the purposes of the Commission;
      (2)   Hold title to real and personal property; and,
      (3)   Sell, lease, rent, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property at a public or private sale on the terms and conditions that the Commission considers best.
   (G)   The Commission shall establish procedures that the Commission must follow in acquiring and disposing of property.
(Ord. 5167, passed 9-20-09)