(A)   The city does hereby establish and locate a public park for the city to be used for park purposes, and to be perpetually known as “Roberts' Park”. For this purpose, the following described real estate in Fayette County, Indiana, being situated within five miles of the corporate limits of this city, is hereby selected, adopted, and appropriated, and is described as follows: the north half of the north-west quarter of section 18, in township 14, and range 13 east, containing 80 acres, more or less.
   (B)   For the purpose of establishing this public park, the donation to the city of the above-described real estate, by James E. Roberts, on the terms, conditions, and stipulations provided in a certain deed conveying the real estate to the city, executed by James E. Roberts, and bearing the date of June 28, 1902, is hereby accepted. The city hereby assumes and agrees to perform all the agreements and stipulations in respect to the possession, management, and control of the park grounds required of it by the terms of the deed, and to conform to all the conditions imposed upon the city in and by the deed.
(Ord. 361, passed 6-30-1902)