(A)   Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IL - Light Industrial District:
      (1)   Light industrial uses, provided that such occupied for manufacturing purposes shall not be operated in such a manner as to create excessive noise or vibration; excessive smoke, dust, dirt or other form of air pollution; electrical or other similar type disturbance; excessive glare; and shall not be operated in such a manner as to create any dangerous, injurious, noxious condition or fire, explosive or other similar hazard or other nuisance, condition or element adversely affecting the surrounding area. Any light industrial operation shall be conducted within a building, or shall be enclosed by a solid fence or screen planting not less than six feet in height along boundary line bordering a conservation, rural residential, single-family residential, multi-family residential or R3 District. Junk yards, auto salvage and scrap yards are prohibited;
      (2)   Any use permitted and regulated in the CN or CT Districts, except apartment hotels, hotels, motels, and detached single-family dwellings;
      (3)   Assembly plants;
      (4)   Bookbinderies;
      (5)   Bottled gas sales and/or service;
      (6)   Canneries, fruit and vegetable;
      (7)   Cellophane products manufacturing;
      (8)   Ceramic products manufacturing;
      (9)   Cold storage or refrigerating plants;
      (10)   Confectionery manufacturing;
      (11)   Dairy products manufacturing;
      (12)   Electrical products manufacturing and assembly;
      (13)   Fiber products manufacturing;
      (14)   Roof products and manufacturing;
      (15)   Foundry, casting lightweight nonferrous metals;
      (16)   Furniture manufacturing;
      (17)   Garment manufacturing;
      (18)   Glass products manufacturing;
      (19)   Ironworks, ornamental (no foundry, drop hammer and no punch presses over 20 tons’ capacity);
      (20)   Leather products manufacturing (previously prepared leather);
      (21)   Millwork;
      (22)   Paint mixing and treatment;
      (23)   Paper products manufacturing (previously prepared materials);
      (24)   Pharmaceutical manufacturing;
      (25)   Plastic products manufacturing (previously prepared materials);
      (26)   Sheet metal products manufacturing;
      (27)   Sign manufacture;
      (28)   Television and radio broadcasting transmitters;
      (29)   Textile products manufacturing;
      (30)   Tool manufacturing (no drop-hammer or punch press of over 20 tons);
      (31)   Toy manufacturing;
      (32)   Warehouse or storage buildings;
      (33)   Well drilling services;
      (34)   Wood products manufacturing (assembling and finishing);
      (35)   Drilling/extraction of natural gas, methane gas or oil (not including permanent compressor stations/facilities); and
      (36)   Small scale wind generators, as per § 154.088.
   (B)   Uses permitted by special exception.
      (1)   Permanent compressor stations/facility buildings associated with the extraction of natural gas, methane gas or oil;
      (2)   Telecommunications towers, as further regulated by § 154.094; and
      (3)   Solar energy systems, as further regulated under § 154.096.
   (C)   Area regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot area. There shall be a minimum lot area of not less than 43,560 square feet. Each lot shall have a minimum width of not less than 100 feet.
      (2)   Yard areas. No building or structure shall be erected or enlarged unless the following yard areas are provided and maintained:
         (a)   Front yard. Not less than 50 feet; fences or ornamental walls shall be not less than ten feet when located along a public street;
         (b)   Side yard. Not less than 25 feet on each side; side yards on corner lots shall be not less than 50 feet; and
         (c)   Rear yard. Not less than 30 feet.
   (D)   Height. The maximum height, to the highest point of the roof, of buildings hereafter erected or altered shall be as follows:
      (1)   Primary buildings. Not greater than 60 feet; and
      (2)   Accessory buildings. Not greater than 35 feet.
   (E)   Building area. All buildings, including accessory uses, shall cover not more than 75% of the area of the lot.
(Ord. 678, passed 10-20-2010; Ord. 686, passed 4-18-2012; Ord. 707, passed 2-15-2023)