(A)   Generally. Although not required, the following improvements are recommended as valuable to safety, convenience and attractiveness of a subdivision. They, therefore, are a great asset not only to the local community and the township as a whole, but also to the potential buyer and future residents of the area.
   (B)   Street lights. In accordance with the conditions to be agreed upon by the subdivider, the local municipality and the appropriate public utility, street lights are recommended to be installed in all subdivisions. The subdivider shall be responsible for making the necessary arrangements with the applicable agencies, and whether or not street lights are initially installed, the subdivider shall be responsible for providing utility easements for future street lighting installations.
   (C)   Shade trees. All possible efforts should be made by the subdivider to preserve existing shade trees. When provided, shade trees of deciduous hardwood type with a minimum caliper of one and one-half inches shall be planted between the shoulder and right-of-way, or between the shoulder and sidewalk provided the planting strip is a minimum of six feet wide.
   (D)   Fire hydrants.
      (1)   Fire hydrants should be provided as an integral part of any water supply system and shall be in accordance with the specifications set forth by the National Fire Protection Association.
      (2)   The fire hydrants shall be placed at intervals of not more than 1,000 feet and shall contain a minimum of two, two and one-half-inch pumper outlets.
   (E)   Wiring.
      (1)   All wiring shall be installed underground.
      (2)   The subdivider shall be allowed to place lines above ground only if:
         (a)   The subdivision contains five lots or less; or
         (b)   The subdivider presents a bona fide variance from the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission.
(Ord. 295, passed 3-14-1974)