(A)   Application and compliance. All mobile home courts shall conform with all provisions of these regulations and/or the provisions of the State Department of Environmental Protection regulations for trailer parks, whichever is greater or more restrictive. The developer shall submit satisfactory evidence of the approval of the State Department of Environmental Protection before approval will be made by the Commission.
   (B)   Mobile home lot sizes. Each lot shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and a minimum depth of 50 feet and contain a minimum of 5,000 square feet and shall not exceed a density of eight units per acre.
   (C)   Buffer strip and screening.
      (1)   No line of any mobile home lot shall be closer than ten feet to any exterior property line of the mobile home court.
      (2)   Adequate screening and/or fencing shall be required adjoining exterior property lines adjacent to developed residential areas and public streets and may be required adjacent to other exterior property lines.
   (D)   Access, interior street, off-street parking.
      (1)   Access to mobile home lots shall be from interior streets or roads and not from public streets or roads.
      (2)   Interior streets of mobile home courts shall conform to the requirements for minor streets.
      (2)   Each mobile home lot shall be provided with parking space for two vehicles. Each parking space shall contain a minimum of 200 square feet, improved with a surface of select material (i.e., shale, crushed stone, gravel and the like) not less than four inches thick.
   (E)   Mobile home spacing. Mobile homes shall be placed so that there is a minimum of ten feet between units when oriented end to end and a minimum of 25 feet when oriented side to side. No mobile home shall be located closer than 15 feet from any permanent building of the mobile home court.
(Ord. 295, passed 3-14-1974; Ord. 592, passed 12-13-1990)